Between the to starts, Scholtz has probably passed 12-14 bikes total so far? All front runners edit: red flag again… I bet we start seeing some clutch failures if this keeps up
Well I kind of figured that. But they didn't play anything on the jumbotrons. I did just hear sirens though, so that's never good
Moved SuperSport to end of the day. As shitty as it is, I’m glad it let’s teams reset clutches, and start fresh. I’d hate to see people DNF due to clutch failures that are outside their control.
I like Cam P and Gagne, but I’m really on the “anyone but Attack” train this year, just to see some excitement. Hopefully Cam B can make it back by Laguna
He did that running a few seconds behind a non Attack Yamaha. No excuse on gas. There are 5-7 other bikes up there who aren’t grenading.