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Looking for secure indoor storage for a van in SoCal

Discussion in 'General' started by motion, Jan 12, 2025.

  1. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    Ain’t absolutely anything going to be cheap in California for a very long time.
  2. TWF2

    TWF2 2 heads are better than 1

    You know what is funny about that. Best part of California is also cheapest part of it.
    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  3. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    does it NEED to be indoors? there may be room in our driveway - gated division with security patrol. 15min to ONT. there cant be any business logos on it though etc
    Once a Wanker.. and motion like this.
  4. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    I was just considering space availability and the supply/demand aspects of building supplies mostly.

    Same kind of thing after Katrina in New Orleans.
  5. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

    Oh no, you remind me of something ... Katrina orphans. When some of them were relocated to ATL by the Feds, the level of crime went up.

    Now places that are desirable to live in will have to worry about the potential influx of SmellA Fire orphans.
    brex likes this.
  6. Once a Wanker..

    Once a Wanker.. Always a Wanker!

    I have heard about some land that has recently become available you could build your own storage facility on in the LA area, @motion
    motion and YamahaRick like this.
  7. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    Dude that is a really solid offer and I appreciate it! The van will have 2 bikes inside, plus one on the hitch hauler, plus loaded with pit equipment and my skydiving stuff. I'm sure your neighborhood is safe, but I would really like an inside facility with security.
    gixer1100 likes this.
  8. Cooter!

    Cooter! Sarcasm level: Maximum

    I'm just reporting what I know. There's some of those car club buildings here too, the local one is $1500/mo plus 'member fee's'.
    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  9. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

    I believe I paid either $135 or $150 a month to store my 930 turbo in Peoria, Illinois. That was back in the late 1980's at a Public Storage, with a single garage stall. I'm thinking your best bet is 30 miles east of Ontario.

    I have a friend that invested into RV storage units out in Beaumont, CA area. I'm not sure of exact size, but they can house a motorhome, boat, and a car and I think he gets $1500 a month or so for those? I just googled and Beaumont is 45 miles east of Ontario.

    Good luck finding what you want, but $4-500 in OC sounds reasonable for out here.
    motion likes this.
  10. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    Forget what I said about Linders.

    That fucker will prolly let you park it in his warehouse, and he’ll do demos with the high lift forklifts putting it on top of 32’ pallet racking.

    And charge you $600 a month because he’s a “trusted friend”. :D
    motion likes this.
  11. Critter

    Critter Registered

    You won't even find rates like that in Vegas, 4 hours away.
    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  12. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    This beeb sucks
    pickled egg likes this.
  13. A. Barrister

    A. Barrister Well-Known Member

    Are there any banks that you could take a loan out against your van, that would hold the van as collateral?


  14. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Here in Indiana we have a gazillion storage places like your are looking for. It's obscene how many of them there are. Everyone in my county owns an RV or a travel trailer. The gated, indoor facilities start at 300/mo for RV's and then the climate controlled starts around 500.

    In Louisville I think there's a place that does underground storage in the caverns.
    Once a Wanker.. likes this.
  15. Once a Wanker..

    Once a Wanker.. Always a Wanker!

    It seems some folks on here consider this to be a virtue of sorts, @motion
    pickled egg likes this.
  16. Once a Wanker..

    Once a Wanker.. Always a Wanker!

    I thought that was only for Corvettes in the museum?

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