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looking for a 600

Discussion in 'General' started by RM125GUY, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. cr125mxracer39

    cr125mxracer39 New Member

    hey TTR (rm125guy) why exactly do you even want a street bike? you just got your dirtbike like a month or 2 ago, why dont you at least learn to ride it well first? i highly doubt that with no experience at all on a street bike, and little on a dirtbike, that you arent fit to go and buy a 600cc street bike. you will just become another statistic of idiots that go and try to be cool on a motorcycle and get killed. didnt your parents just sacrifice enough to get you that RM anyways? why not pay them back part of it or something, or at least do sometin nice for them before you go and spend all the money you are supposedly about to make.
  2. freeride88

    freeride88 Hooligan

    How about no one else registering just to post in this thread about this guy?
  3. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    especially dickless dorks too cowardly to use a real name.
  4. Anon_Poster101

    Anon_Poster101 New Member

    Yes, anonymous posters are evil.

    Especially the type that only have one post.

    Damn them...damn them so, so much!


  5. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    I am paying my parents back...I give them money from every paycheck that i get. I am working for Billy Schlag some of you may know him some may not...former MX star...he still rides now too but he runs a lawn buisiness...a friend in the area hooked me up...
  6. Hawg Hater

    Hawg Hater Member

    Actually you did it when you first got your bike and you did it at several sites not just mx.com. I really dont care what you do but you havent even rode your dirt bike more then what 3 or 4 times before you broke it or something happened to it and now it wont run. I hope you get it fixed but you did do any work for it. You admitted that and this crap about Bubba Stewart was only a few weeks ago not 2 years. You tried to sell or trade that junk for about 2 years over there and other sites that kicked you off from the bull crap. Like I said you can do what you want but if you do get a street bike I would expect to see you become another statistic.

    I have been around motorcycles and riding bikes of all types except Harleys for 37 years. Guy like you really piss me off anymore that think since they have been riding for a few weeks or just get their drivers license that they think they can handle a street bike that everyone else know's that they cant. We have had many kid's killed that just got their bike permits/license's when they went out and bought 600', 750's, R1's or a bike that no beginner should be on. In my professional opinion you need to get a Honda 250 Rebel or somthing of the same class to learn on. I really think that there should be a law that a newly licensed rider should have no bike bigger then a 500 max especially when it comes to getting the Cafe Bikes!

    You know rm125guy I do respect you for finally getting a bike but just starting out like you are and going to the streets to learn how to handle a bike is almost like signing your death certificate yourself!

    By the way I have never heard of this so called mx star Billy Schlag! Maybe some self proclaimed pro.
  7. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    Billy Schlag national #101 250 well that was 2 years ago...
  8. freeride88

    freeride88 Hooligan

    This is silly guys. If you want to berate him, do it somewhere else.
  9. YZ125rider

    YZ125rider New Member

    Yeah we know that but you guys whouldnt be helping him.He hardley ride dirtbikes and has hardly any dirt experiance let alone street.Rm125guy you need to stop posting crap like this.YOu just got your bike and now you want more.Thats pretty selfish.
    Anyway Im going with wat theses guys are saying.If you truley are looking for a sport bike get a two stoke 125 or 250 for starters and move up from those.With no street experiance a 600 would kill you.
  10. Hawg Hater

    Hawg Hater Member

    You guys really dont know this kid. He has a big heart and really wants the world handed to him when ever he can get it. He posted that he was wanting to race but over at other forums he is telling everyone that he didnt want to race but get one for his dad! That is a nice gesture but well you will see. I am done and concider yourselves warned.
  11. YZ125rider

    YZ125rider New Member

    Straight up.He is a selfish little kid.Grow up man.
  12. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    I said I want something that i can easily convert to a race bike and i may get into racing...I told you i want to get one for my dad becaus when i thought abou it he bought my bike even though i worked for him for it i still would like to get him one...but whatever man you take everything i say and try to change it to make it sound how you want but honestly just because im looking at street bikes doesnt mean you guys have to follow m here...ok big deal...I like bikes...I still like motocross the most but at the same time I might get a bike for my dad and me...im thinking i will pay him back and buy 1 bike and let him ride it whenever he wants but i could really care less what you think...Im not being selfish because i might buy a street bike...if it wasnt for my dad id never be looking at street bikes with any interest anyways...my dad wont ride a crotch rocket long because he is getting older now and he already said he wanted to get at least one more chance to ride one before he wcouldnt handle it anymore and i myself would love to make that happen but racing would be cool too...I said im always open for option and if we happen to gt something like i was stating earlier (street bike that can convert to a race bike as easily as possible)...its really becoming annoying...why dont you take your own advice and if you dont like the topic then skip it...
  13. kp_racer

    kp_racer Well-Known Member

    I wrote him a PM when this thing got started. I dont know how much it helped. But now days SV's are the best way to start, b/c you cant rely on HP. Then once you get fast on that move up to a 600. Just my opinion:rolleyes: .


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