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looking for a 600

Discussion in 'General' started by RM125GUY, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    hi this is my first post here...Im 15 and Im 6'1...Im looking to start racing and i would really like a 600 super sport bike....if you have one or know someone that is selling one please reply and let me know because im might start racing these...as of now i have a Suzuki 2000 rm 125...not wanting a trade but im looking to buy a 600 so if you have one please let me know...I live in Maryland so please let me know if you have anything...

  2. Eddie845

    Eddie845 E-LO FRM THE BLOCK

    Did you look in the classifieds? New gen? How much you got to spend?
  3. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    well I am not sure yet exactly...Im going to ride my bicycle up to the place that is going to be letting me work after school. if your selling that GSXR that'd be awesome...i hear they're good bikes...Id be willing to spend only about $5,000 though give or take a few dollars im always open for offers and negotiations...1997 or newer please...
  4. mad brad

    mad brad Guest

    99/2000 R6's are going for that. {with good spares} should be competitive no problem.
  5. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    ok cool...but is that a good bike for me to start racing on?...if it is then ill look into them...

    now that im on topic what is a good bike to race on...I hear CBRs are forgiving but lack in the power department and i hear the GSXRs are forgiving and they have the speed...but havent heard much about the kawasakis and yamaha...
  6. Eddie845

    Eddie845 E-LO FRM THE BLOCK

    How about SV's?

    SPDFRK Disturbed Racing

    SV650's I would have to think are the way to go!
  8. jp233

    jp233 hu huh, you said "member"

    how about a GSXR 750 superstock bike? I'm selling mine, and I live in Maryland too :) email me [email protected], I'm asking less than $5000 so that would be perfect :) I could deliver it if need be, I am in southern Maryland:beer:
  9. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    an SV would be?....im not familiar with all the street bike names....

    ...jp233 youve got mail...

    race bikes or street legal super sports are all welcome too :) im open to any and all offers... :)
  10. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

  11. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

  12. freeride88

    freeride88 Hooligan

    I'm not a racer this season, but I'm a long time street rider. Do you have any street experience? Even if you do, I think most guys would say a 600 is a handful to start racing on. Check out Sv650s.
  13. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    once again what is a SV? lol...
  14. kamisama12

    kamisama12 Well-Known Member

    go here that what my SV650 looks like


    the only difference you will see is that i don't have my blinkers and mirros on and i have clip-ons instead of the standard handle bars
  15. TZ925

    TZ925 I do it for His glory!

    Email Chuck Neighoff at [email protected]
    He's selling a 2001 R6 Race prepped and with street stuff too.
    He won a few Mid Atlantic Regional championships on it and I've seen it dyno'd at Harley Davidson of Frederick at over 112hp.

    Very clean and well maintained bike! He's in Westminster, MD. and the $5000 price range is a bit low but he may take it.
  16. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    ill check out that R6...I emailed him about it...

    ...but im still open to offers...
  17. freeride88

    freeride88 Hooligan

    You didn't fill us in about your street experience. What have you ridden before?
  18. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    well i have no street experience yet...only dirt bikes...Im 15 and I own a Suzuki 2000 rm 125...

    heres a pic of it
  19. RM125GUY

    RM125GUY Member

    ok lets try again... heres the pic
  20. WERA522

    WERA522 Lost

    no street and all dirt experience? Man you don't need a 600, ya need an RC51 or a TLR1000 or a Duc 998. Why get a puny bike when ya can race a litre....:Poke:

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