Depends on the item and whether it comes with the full factory warranty as a full MSRP item would. Saving $50, probably not worth it... Saving $500 possibly. Just my $0.02.
They offer a nice veteran’s discount program…so if you’re a DD214 holder, check that out too. But what model/optic we talkin’ about? What percent discount? I’ve got 3 blemished/demo pieces in my firearms’s been my experience: NightForce NX8 scope…was priced $500 off as a “demo” model. What showed up at my house was brand fuggin new and has been flawless. Staccato C2 I never found the blemish to this day. Just got the slide back from Vulcan Machine works to get it milled for a Holosun 509T. Gun performs perfectly. Atlas Ares 4.25 Commander. They sent me a photo of the microdent in the frame. Had to work around Maryland’s dumb gun laws to get it into the state because it’s not on “The List” of accepted handguns yet in the Atlas section, but that allowed me to see just the frame (serialized part) first hand and inspect it myself. The microdent itself is laughable. Got the gun back fully assembled. They knocked $1600 off msrp for that shit and that gun shoots 9mm laser beams.
I’d compare like Optic’s planet price for the same model and go for the best price. I don’t think you’ll have any regrets.
If it’s a good deal, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second. Companies like Leupold won’t release blems that are anything but cosmetic. They’re simply not going to intentionally nonfunctional products out in the wild. And half the time, you can’t even find the blem. I’ve also seen companies sell stuff as blem due to packaging issues. I say send it.
When I got my Ares, my buddy back in my home town also got one in the 4.6 inch barrel/ported version. Tony at Atlas said they had 3 blem Ares when I happen to call. Wanna know what was wrong with Jim’s Ares? The DLC finish wasn’t the exact right color to meet Atlas quality specs…THAT’s IT. @redtailracing is right.
I say go for it as well. I purchased a blem scope from them many years ago. Think it was a vxiii for vxi cost. Had a 1/8” round spot where the finish wasn’t perfect. Functionally it has been fine.
send it. Blems for most firearms/optics companies are either something on it that is super difficult to find, nonexistent, or not worth even thinking about. Usually zero affect on performance. Some companies (like one of the big online optics sellers, not Optics Planet) I think offer "open box"/Blem stuff to drop pricing below MAP when they have an opportunity.
I used to work in mfg and can tell you from my experience, the stuff we sold as "blems" were purely cosmetic and often something the customer wouldn't even pick up on if we didn't point out. I'm a huge fan of the "scratch and dent" discount from reputable companies. Especially since virtually all of them still come with a warranty for functional components. Plus, Leupold make some nice optics. Go for it. NOTE: I've had worse luck on "open box" returned items. Those sometimes get broken then returned and aren't inspected very closely before being sold again.
Id try it. I used to have a VX6HD. It was a good scope. Major companies won't be selling sub-par stuff, because of a blem, atleast I can't believe they would.
I think you're right. I doubt Leupold would sell anything with their name on it that didn't perform well. As mentioned previously, sometimes factory blems are impossible to see. And when you do see it, or are shown what the blem is, you're most likely going to say "That's it? That's all there is to this blemish? I'll take it!"
Friends to let friends buy from Optics Planet. They have gone waaaay downhill. Shipping from econovendors taking weeks to go 1 state away. Showing in stock, only to find out it is not, or being drop shipped from the warehouse on Venus. Yeah, fuck them! Ski
I've dealt with them a little bit. You will get what you order from them but it might take a while. They tend to wait till they have enough orders from a vendor so they get free shipping or discounts and then place the orders if they dont' have something in stock. Prices are good, and you will get whatever you order, it just may not be the "normal" that everyone wants these days of having it in your hands in 2-3 days.
If they disclosed that it would be one thing. I wrote them off as a vendor when they, on multiple occasions, marked things in the store as In Stock and then immediately showed it as back ordered once they had my money. I can’t tolerate deceptiveness from a business.