Its been too long! When's the next race? Going crazy over here! They need to get rid of this summer break.. maybe race in a cool climate like Iceland.
Man you have gone through a tough divorce, an 8 month journey searching for Rossi, and 10-15 years living in cold ass Montana, you can't be serious wanting a cooler climate. REMEMBER, THE LADIES WEAR SEXIER CLOTHING WHEN IT IS HOT OUTSIDE. Well in your case, Rossi probably does too!!!
OR Billie Eye-slash....Ewwwwwwwww!!!!! She probably has armpits worthy of a machete...and I'm NOT even gonna think about the Amazon rainforest below the bellybutton.
You sick F&cks! I appreciate them for their talent, not their looks. Its no wonder Billie Eilish dresses in potato sacks! Its not for me!
If you wanna talk rack to talent ratio. Dolly Parton all day every day. Billie Eyelash cannot carry a tune in a bucket. She just whines into a mic and people that think McDonalds is gourmet cooking call it talent. And if Billie had any class. They’d maybe call it second grade.
Agreed, but she’s an adult now and showing off her looks. She actually got a bunch of shit from people for being too feminine and told them to fuck off which was pretty cool. Wait, wasn’t this about MotoGP?