Taping a phone conversation, i.e. a wiretap, is very different from taping in public and different expectations of privacy attach.
The wiretapping case against Tripp was dropped due to insufficient evidence. And to help explain the law better, I found a really informative and accurate page: http://www.rightgrrl.com/tripp/woods.html
You mean something like this.... http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/04/13/maryland.police.beating/index.html?hpt=T1 Wonder if the guy who taped this is going to get charged haha
I was starting to wonder that this morning when I saw the headline. Haven't watched the video yet though.
Florida has a similar law. The law makes it illegal to record anyone's voice without consent. Unless ofcourse the government is doing the recording. I think that once again we are falling to distinguish between the written law and the intent of the law. My understanding of the FL Law is to prevent conversation being tape where there is expectancy of privacy. If we were allow to apply fully as written, it would be difficult to imagine scenarios where video-taping in most occassion would not capture the vocals of individual not aware that they were being taped or where consent was given.
Nothing. I have worked as a stringer with police and have a helmet cam just like him. I get so sick of these youtube videos of cops breaking laws and getting paid leaves. They get caught lying,killing,setting people up and get to walk to a desk with pay. It does not have to happen to me to want to do something about it does it? Are you gonna wait till it happens to you or a family member for you to care about it? Just gets sickening after a while...Its almost everyday now that we are seeing videos pop up of crazy LEO behaviour that is unjust.