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How long do you hold a grudge against someone that took you out in a race?

Discussion in 'General' started by motion, Jul 30, 2024.

  1. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    Aaaaannd there you have it. :D
    MELK-MAN likes this.
  2. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

  3. Critter

    Critter Registered

    My dad taught me the family motto

    Never Forgive
    Never Forget
    Never Get Mad
    Get Even

    CBRRRRR999, MELK-MAN and pickled egg like this.
  4. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    And it’s corollary:

    Do unto others before they do unto you. :D
  5. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    "Never hit anyone in anger, unless you positively know you can get away with it"!
    CBRRRRR999 and Fuzzy317 like this.
  6. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    "Get your retaliation in first."
  7. BigBird

    BigBird blah

  8. tzrider

    tzrider CZrider

    Found this about that.
    Robin172 likes this.
  9. wsmc42

    wsmc42 Well-Known Member

    This brought back a memory. Late 90's at Willow I crashed at the entrance to 2 on the start of the second lap of a 600 race. I had driven on the guy ahead of me and was setting up on the outside to pass on the entry only I ran too close to the edge of the track and as soon as I poked past him the wind caught my front wheel and pushed it off the track dumping me on my back immediately in front of the approaching racers. As I was sliding on my back I was zeroed in on the 88 of Roger Baker coming straight towards my crotch. At the very last second he turns the bike to the right just missing me. At that point I relaxed and waited for the slide to end. I found Roger after his race and gave him a Huge thank you and we had a laugh about it.
    Fast forward a couple years and I go out to Willow after not being there for a while. I'm in my pit doing something and hear, "Last time I saw this guy I had my front tire between his legs". We had a bigger laugh that time. He'll probably always remember me for that view he had and I will always remember him and be thankful to him for Not running over my junk.
    HPPT, SpeedyE, CBRRRRR999 and 2 others like this.
  10. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Man! I wish I could blame ANY of my crashes on 'the wind' catching my front wheel! :crackup:
    Sabre699, SpeedyE and Spang308 like this.
  11. wsmc42

    wsmc42 Well-Known Member

    You haven't raced at Willow Springs then.
  12. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    IIRC, our own JU was blown off turn 8 on his TZ250 at about a buck fifty. Big crash.
  13. wsmc42

    wsmc42 Well-Known Member

    That seems familiar. It's probably happened to everyone who has turned a decent amount of laps around that joint.
    motion likes this.
  14. onesixsix

    onesixsix Mmm... trash!

    I had the same experience. T8 wind blowing hard across the track, especially at the end of the day when the wind would pick up. I had to crawl all over the gas tank to try and keep the front wheel down. The wind at Willow is no joke.
  15. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    I was racing mini motard with my son when he was about eight. A mid-twenties kid took him out at the start, bringing out a red flag. On the restart, I intentionally T-boned the culprit in turn one. He didn't say a word, but I forgave him at that point. So, about three minutes, I guess. As far as people running into me, rubbings racing.
  16. DrA5

    DrA5 The OTHER Great Dane

    I hold grudges a long time. Case in point, I am still pissed they didn't let Col Henry Blake come back home safely.
    Mot Okstef and pickled egg like this.
  17. Linker48X

    Linker48X Well-Known Member

    My answer to the OP’s question: forever.
  18. KneeDragger_c69

    KneeDragger_c69 Well-Known Member

    I'll hold a grudge until end of time for me. He didn't punt me off but did run over my legs (Daytona 200 2024) and never came over to see if I was ok.

    BTW, MM93 did punt Bulega off track: "Marquez’s first World Ducati Week saw him nudge Nicolo Bulega into the gravel in the final moments of the showpiece event last weekend at Misano."
  19. Dan Dubeau

    Dan Dubeau Well-Known Member

    How is recovery going BTW?
    KneeDragger_c69 likes this.
  20. KneeDragger_c69

    KneeDragger_c69 Well-Known Member

    Very slow but their is progress, so their is that o_O

    Had to get the shoulder operated for a second time.:confused:

    With some more MRI exams, they discovered some other issues with my feet.

    Thnx for asking :beer:

    Going to CTMP next wknd. Going ?
    27 likes this.

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