Ever talk to you boss shit fuck hammered

Discussion in 'General' started by Captain Morgan, Feb 6, 2024.

  1. Bugslayer

    Bugslayer Well-Known Member

    I do.
    Loving so far. I'll let you know when it doesn't do something I want it to do

    In regards to your original question in this thread. I did have an employee once that tried it. Didn't work out for him.
    ToofPic and Once a Wanker.. like this.
  2. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    just giving you shit but wben your boat breaks Knock on wood, boats don't break
    969 and CBRRRRR999 like this.
  3. damiankelly

    damiankelly Well-Known Member

  4. A. Barrister

    A. Barrister Well-Known Member

    Ooof. That was the wrong thing to say. Now it will be held over your head. You need to be like the guys they won't ban, cause of all the weird things they do and say.

    Oh, wait...:oops:
  5. Bugslayer

    Bugslayer Well-Known Member

    Not following the logic. Boats break, trucks, break, motorcycles break, chefs on yachts break.
    Why the hate on a jet boat?
    Kinda sound like the Harley knotheads, if it ain't a Harley it aint shit.
    BrentA and Razr like this.
  6. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Some friends of Bill's call that "stinkin' thinkin'". That program didn't trip my trigger, but there are others that take a more bend towards taking responsibility for one's own actions.

    You'll get there or you won't, and only if/when you are ready.
    Rico888 and Razr like this.
  7. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    WHAT.......Harley makes jet drives for boats? :D
    Ape hangers!
    Bugslayer likes this.
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Harley hasn’t made a boat since the Exxon Valdez. :D
    Bugslayer likes this.
  9. gixer1100

    gixer1100 CEREAL KILLER

    i'll paint a story for you - man starts drinking heavily...becomes abusive, loses his wife and kids - job - in and out of jail for dui and fighting cops, lives in a trailer, bankrupt 3x and loses his job. kids dont talk to him, lives - by all accounts a lone life...is found in a trailer surrounded by trash, laying on the bed in his underwear, full grown beard - dead for days...been on another bender. not a penny to his name, owed more on the trailer than it was worth...that was the man i flew home to bury - that was my dad. at one point he had it under control - until he didnt. i am already at the age he was when he died - and i know i wouldnt want my time to end right now.
    RichMangus, ToofPic, R Acree and 5 others like this.
  10. vfrket

    vfrket Lost Member

    So now we know who we can call Henry. Good to know, might have value later.
    HPPT and ToofPic like this.
  11. 27

    27 Well-Known Member

    you can do it man! There is plenty of moral support on here if you want it you know… good luck captain…
    RichMangus and ToofPic like this.
  12. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    there is nothing that ever comes out good of a gasoline inboard engine in salt water for Bug slayer
  13. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking Spit on that thing

    Same across the board.

    Got an alert on the shitter this morning that my resting heart rate had changed in the past five weeks.........try to guess the periods where I was drinking vs when I wasn't.

    yzfpat and Phl218 like this.
  14. 27

    27 Well-Known Member

    Papa Hank :D
    vfrket likes this.
  15. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Well-Known Member

    Don't worry, have been banned before for stupid comments, think it was 3 or 6 months last time, the moderators do a really good job and are fair, play stupid games win stupid prizes
  16. ducrcr

    ducrcr reasonably fast old guy

    [QUOTE="Captain Morgan, post: boats don't break[/QUOTE]

  17. Ken Roberts

    Ken Roberts Active Member

    Where one is too many, and a thousand never enough.
  18. auminer

    auminer Renaissance Redneck

    Dude... Some nights when I've had one or two (7?) too many, I wake up at 2 AM with my heart pounding about 120 BPM and any more sleep that night out of the effin question.

    ToofPic, tony 340 and SuddenBraking like this.
  19. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking Spit on that thing

    Used to be 3am for free, greatly exacerbated by beer. Vodka helps mitigate that a fair amount (or so I’ve heard).

    But I sleep like a baby when I’m not drinking…..
    Captain Morgan likes this.
  20. sdg

    sdg *

    I find having orange juice around helps with drinking less since I personally think some of the cravings are sugar related.
    ToofPic likes this.

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