This should be good. Anyone here ever crash while on a street ride, once you were a "racer?" I'm no rookie to the track, raced 3 years and held an expert license when I stopped in 2004. Back in 2007 I was on my dads 2002 RSV Mille. I had made a trip around the block and was heading back to his house. I wasn't paying attention and rode right past his house. I realized I passed it and like a moron grabbed a handful of front brakes. I went down before I knew it. At the time I figured it would be ok since I brake hard on the track all the time. Still don't know 100% what caused me to hit the pavement. Boy did i feel like a squid though My buddies never let me live it up what about you guys
yup, they have both occurred on my DRZ, one was me being stupid, i looped an endo at a redlight... opps. the other i was riding to work on a very frosty morning with race take offs on the bike, making a slow left out of my neighborhood the back tire hit the crosswalk stripe and i was on the ground before i could think.
I had a street crash after I started track day riding does that count. Gave up street riding after that for 5 year until last year. Now I comute with a bike.
Nope. (knock on wood) I had 3 street crashes before i started riding the track and haven't had one since. I honestly believe track riding/racing raises your skill level, attention span, reaction time, tolerance for speed, awareness, bike control etc to a point that you are mush less likely to crash. But obviously it does nothing for the millions of other idiots on the road. Everyone knows that a vast majority of motorcycle crashes are single vehicle (i think the number is around 70-80%) caused by the person losing control for one reason or another. I would like to see some type of statistic on single vehicle accidents before and after a rider has track experience. I think it would be interesting.
Only 1. Right hand turn out of my development a day before thanksgiving a few years ago. It was cold (for florida) and I hit the shoulder line and was instantly on my butt. Since it was at like 5mph nothing was damaged but I felt like "damn that was a close one" bc of the proximity of where I was, there is another main road that feeds into the one I was turning onto about 1/8 mile down the street. People regurally come through there at 60mph. Hate to think what would have happened if a car had come around that corner at 50 right after I went down...
with 15 years of racing under my belt, rear ended a stopped car in the wet at 15 mph--stupidly not paying attention. the service writer at the non racing shop that did the repairs gave me that "yeah, right" look when i told him i'd locked the front/backed off the brakes twice before i ran out of room. i think i'm the relatively rare racer that uses a bike as his primary commuter, and tries to squeeze in at least a one week bike trip a year..
Yes, back in 05 (?) at RedTop Mtn was riding w/ a buddy who had just gotten his learners license.. had micelin race take offs on my 01R6. We stopped at a rest area to stretch our legs and just talk about riding, getting him used to his bandit600. Take off from the rest area, a couple corners later I pick up some speed, not really pushing it, a ricer in some loud civic or accord came around the corner too fast, 1/2 in my lane, I had to pick the bike up to avoid him, I laid it back over to finish the turn but lost the front end (I think either it cooled off at the rest area or I hit the dirt on the edge of the road), and I slid off the road then over the side. Went 12-15ft down, I hit a boulder and broke my tailbone and ended up stopped twisted up between 2 trees. The bike went by me as we were going over the edge and it hit a pile of fallen trees headlights first and from what I'm told pretty much exploded. There was blue plastic jammed underneath and between the logs! This happened about 3 weeks before the GNF, and while I still rode, I was horribly slow because I couldnt transition from side to side on the bike. Biggest bruise (contusion) I've ever seen. Went from the top of my butt cheek to about 1/2 way down my thigh! But I guess thats what hitting a boulder at 20(?)mph will do lol Scared my buddy nearly to death since he was behind me and he sold the bandit like a week later.
I haven't had a bike on the street since 2007. Since then, the only street riding I have done has been on my dealership's demo bikes. No crashes, but I can also probably count the number of times I've ridden on the street each year with my fingers.
F350 An old lady in a F350 dually turned right in front of me, I threw my Guzzi down and fortunately the truck was lifted enough that the guzzi went under the truck and she drug it with her into a parking lot so when I came sliding by I only glanced off the rear wheel and continued down the road another 75'. It was 88 degrees and I had an aerostich on with shorts and a T shirt. Took off the suit walked into the store and bought a cheerwine. Sat down in front and by then the truck was surrounded by 1st responders (rural area). Walked up to the truck where everyone was gathered looking underneath realizing they were looking for a body. Told them I was the rider (standing there in shorts and a T shirt) and they starting circling me like I was an alien. Highway patrol arrives later and he tells me he usually doesn't mind working cycle accidents and usually there was no rider alive to have to interview. He took me home (1/2mile away) and I jumped in the front end loader and went a picked up the guzzi. Settled with their insurance and bought a new V11 with change to spare........
First year racing. Tried to light up the rear tire while exiting a traffic circle to show off. Highsided myself into opposite traffic lane. I quit street riding about a year later.