I will sell the extra wheels separate but only after the bike has been sold and if that buyer dies not want them as part if a package... Ride safe, AAron
MotoHolder... I have the MotoHolder bracket on the 848 that I am racing in 2011 it is a real nice product. I bought from www.bellissimoto.com The bracket on this bike was inputted from Italy and is even nicer than the Motoholder bracket but i cant find it anywhere. Stay away from the Vortex bracket they are junk. Cheap and will actually collapse at speed. Not sure why the bracket for the 848/1098/1198 was so far the standard of most of the other Vortex products... Ride safe, AAron
I've seen this bike. It is clean, fast, and well taken care of. Aaron always takes great care of his bikes. Good seller.:up:
What do u want for EVERYTHING as listed? This would complaint my 1198s corse(will never see the track to beautiful to get hurt on the track. Thanks jon
Let me reword it. I want both bodies, both set of hoses everything listed. I didnt want one or the other, if possible just want to see how much extra. P.s. congrats on becoming a dad.