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Do not use PODS

Discussion in 'General' started by karls, Jan 4, 2025.

  1. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    I used a local company that is basically the same thing, but with an actual steel cargo container.
    I was just moving ten miles-ish to our new home, and it was a breeze. Had it dropped off a month before we moved, we loaded it up at our own pace.
    When it was time, they moved the container from old house driveway to new house driveway.
    Took about a week to unload it, they came and picked it up.
    Don't recall the price, but it was much easier and less stressful than asking friends and family to throw stuff in a uhaul for a couple back and forth trips.
    Seems it was roughly $500 more than the uhaul option would have been.

    Pods themselves sound like a shit company.
  2. In Your Corner

    In Your Corner Dungeonesque Crab AI Version

    Not trying to be insulting but I'm amazed that you would
    make such an expensive deal over the phone with no signed
    paperwork involved. Once they take possession of your stuff
    they have you over a barrel.
    Banditracer likes this.
  3. yamageezer

    yamageezer Well-Known Member

    I have only used PODS as a temporary storage solution while doing some home renovations. The POD arrived on time, it was clean and in great condition, reasonably priced and was picked up on time when I was finished with it. It does appear to be a franchise, so I guess you are sort of at the mercy of individuals a little more.
    Phl218 likes this.
  4. karls

    karls Well-Known Member

    You are right, I was an idiot for not getting everything in writing prior to agreeing to use them. I got caught up in the moving across the country, starting a new job, having to travel to the new company corporate headquarters in Europe.......just getting distracted and not taking care of all of the important pieces of the move. I expected the company to have a good, trustworthy moving system and not to be taken advantage of. I admit to making mistakes and want to try to keep anyone else from doing anything similar.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2025
  5. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    I had movers back in Ga. hold our stuff hostage for an extra $800/pricks.My next move I drove down to a local convenience store,and hired 2 mexs. used my truck and trailer.Cheapest move ever,also kept them in beer,and pizza
    The Todd likes this.
  6. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

  7. ToofPic

    ToofPic Well-Known Member

    Its an illegal underground Mexican rodeo..
    Thats the password!:D
  8. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    ToofPic likes this.
  9. socalrider

    socalrider pathetic and rude

    Being in the north, beyond the wall, you may not know this. When I was project managing for corporate HVAC, I had an absolute star foreman who was Mexican. (In San Diego). For good safety quarterly awards, I would ask him, hey, I'm gonna get everyone burritos for lunch and then you all leave early on friday. He would always say fuck that, get us pizza and visa gift cards, we don't need your Mexican food. We get that shit at home. I did what he said, and we all made money. Apparently, they don't want messican when they eat messican every day. Who knew?
    brex, Boman Forklift and pickled egg like this.

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