When using these in a trailer, do they have to be permanently mounted to the floor, or are they wide/sturdy enough that they are fine without permanent mounting as long as there are some tie downs on the bike somewhere?
I don't have my Baxleys mounted permanently. I didn't want to mount them because my toyhauler becomes my sleeping living area on race weekends. So I just set the Baxleys down on the trailer floor, then roll my two bikes into the Baxleys, then use a cyclecynch and some straps to strap down the bikes and it's good to go. The straps don't need to be tight or compressing the forks, just tight enough to keep the bike from creeping back and forth when the road gets bumpy.
I used some t-nuts in the floor to mount my Baxley. Take out 2 bolts and it is out of the way for the weekend. Much cheaper than the system Baxley sells for quick removal. I hook tie downs to the rearsets and pull them forward.
I have a condor and a baxley. They both work well. The only real difference I can see is the baxley does not have the adjust ability of the condor. I also want to be able to use these on my HD. The condor can be adjusted to except cruiser size wheels the baxley, not so much. I found some screw in anchors that I installed in the floor of the trailer. I use eye bolts for thumb screws cause they come bigger and easier to use for my fat hands.
if you have different size tires, want to roll the bike in backwards or need it to fold flat, the condor is for you. but i have one of each and prefer the baxley. it does a better job of grabbing the front tire, and tires don't stick to the chock as much. the condor seems to require a lot of rocking back and forth to break the tire free sometimes. i've only tried the bike grab once, and it wasn't good. we were on a gravel surface and the chock would slide every time we tried to roll the bike in. would probably be fine mounted in a truck or trailer.
Baxley also makes an adjustable chock that should work with just about any wheel. It's called the LA chock or the LA trailer chock.
Will the Baxley LA chock adjust to accommodate 17", 18", 19" and 21" front wheels, fairly easily? I own a very wide variety small to large, dirt and street bikes. I currently have a Condor Pit Stop stand and a Condor scooter stand, but I need more for my trailer, and want to try a Condor. Just figuring out which one I'll buy first.
Yes. I have one in the crinkle black finish and it's held up great. I use it to throw the bike in the back of the truck for mountain runs. The swivel bottom piece is adjustable for wheel size while it's also semi locking two piece to mold to the wheel width when the tire has entered the mechanism. It's also got a small locking arm to prevent a accodental roll out for extra security.
I believe I have one ordered by one of my favorite dealerships today. (Another didn't have a distributor for it.)