Munich to Berchtesgaden for the first 5 days then back to Munich, the family flies home, we head to Paris to see Papa, then to Luxembourg to see Evelyne's family for 2 days since we have no idea when we'll be able to get to Europe again then back to Munich for the flight home.
Sweet! Should I mail you some baby pics to bring Papa? He loves that stuff. Sorry for the interruption. Carry on.
I tried driving when I was over last time and other than trips local I prefer the train. Driving is actually a pain in the ass unless you know what you're doing. The Sim card in you Iphone is replacable? I don't think it is. You'd only need one for most of the places you're headed if you found you could replace it. I tried buying a prepaid phone while over there a couple of years ago but it proved to be more of a pain than it was worth. Sunshine, you spending any time in Zurich? Mongo, when are you in Munich? I'm headed over there twice in the next few months. Maybe I'll see ya' there.
Some interesting historical "then and now pix to get you ready for your trip...
Yeah, seen most of those before. My dad was there with his Dad right after the war and took a lot of shots of what's changed since then when he went over a couple years ago. It was cool to hear him talk about the then and now stuff.
Ha! A few pix down is Keitel's old house, the top floor with the balcony was Dad's room (and yes, the pic is one of his although I never knew we had a Family Archives )
Nope...two days perhaps. We show up on a Sunday and that Tuesday we pick up our rental bike which we'll have a for a week. Bombing around Switzerland, Italy and whatever else. Then after that we don't know what we are doing...haven't made that plan yet. But we are flying out of Zurich on the 29th to come home. This trip is making me miss the Miller round of WERA and the June round of WMRRA....better be worth it.
Gotta plan better I fly home Sunday, then to Miller the following Thursday (I am missing the SBK stuff tho).
Wander back to Zurich if you get bored. I absolutely loved it there. Stay away from bahnhofstrasse if you want your credit cards bills to stay in check.
Super cool! I hope you post some pix of your own when you get back. I read somewhere that since the US Army has turned a lot of things back over to the Germans, a lot of historic places are getting demolished. There might not be a lot more time left to see some of the stuff there.
Another downside to driving in Germany is the $8/gallon gas Gotta factor that in. Although I was pretty surprised to see how expensive the ICE is. I guess they don't subsidize trains too much. Also note (if this works for you) that there are a lot of motorcycle rental places in Germany. Most BMW dealers also rent bikes, and some even rent gear. Just a thought. Roads in Bavaria/Alps are suppose to be pretty incredible. Just watch the speedlimits, can't talk your way out of a ticket there.
I live a couple hours west of Munich... I would say stop by and have a beer but we'll be in Lauterbrunnen about that time. Enjoy your time here, we love it!
Achtung ! Achtung ! Obergruppenfuehrer Mongo: Take a look at Might be the deal for your purposes. Heil...never mind.
Rent a Merc or a Bimmer nothing better than 2OOKPH + on the Autobahn:wow: cept till some fancy ass porsche or AMG Merc blow your bloody doors off:down: