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Can I just pay for my sh@t and go??

Discussion in 'General' started by Hyperdyne, Nov 22, 2024.

  1. ahrma_581

    ahrma_581 Well-Known Member

    Saw that 5 cents a bag thing first in California (surprise), as people were putting stuff in their canvas bags and then ringing up a flat of 12 0z water bottles....
    Bugslayer and 418 like this.
  2. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    So you don't mind being stuck in a line for an extra 10 minutes because the people in front don't want to pack their own groceries.
  3. deathwagon

    deathwagon Well-Known Member

    When I'm out in the woods shooting shit or just getting the hell away from the humans, every creek, shrub, tree and pile of bear shit has a walmart plastic bag in it, on it, or under it. I bring my own grocery bags made out of human skin to the grocery store, just so I don't contribute to the great outdoors being covered in trash. Not a tree hugger, but a pissed off outdoorsman.
  4. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    No. I don't go to the grocery store unless forced to do so by she who must be obeyed. I also live in an area that isn't so overly populated that there are always lines to wait in. If I go to the grocery store it will be at opening time and I'll be out before the car seat starts to cool off.
  5. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    Best time to go is at 7am Sunday morning. No lines, no screaming kids, no one blocking the damn aisles and no one parking next to me in the back 40.
  6. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Motha trucker keep that shit to yourself. That's how the lemmings find out there are other times you are allowed to go to the grocery store.
  7. TWF2

    TWF2 2 heads are better than 1

    I remember back in Europe before plastic bags my mother had her own textile bag for shopping. And she would walk to the store, being around the corner or other end of town.
    She still does it same way, and most people there. My wife does it same way here. They should ban plastic bags.
    Boman Forklift and Robin172 like this.
  8. 969

    969 Well-Known Member

    I go somewhere else when they want scan my license for beer, and tell them why. If they can't read my birthday they can't have my business.
    dave3593 likes this.
  9. brex

    brex Well-Known Member

    The humor in it all is I was a bagger at a grocery store way back when they introduced the plastic bags and we all started asking paper or plastic.
    The line back then was that plastic bags were saving trees from being harvested to make paper bags.
    MachineR1, 418, Phl218 and 1 other person like this.
  10. Phl218

    Phl218 .

    Tell me about it. I am still baffled that baggers would double bag a gallon jug. Or a sixpack. Or anything with a handle.
    I bring (cooler-) bags and folding crates to the store. Make the loader put it in the crate, one lift and it’s in the trunk. Less trips from the car to the house and maximum loading capability. Won’t work at costco though. 4 items and the crate is full…
  11. StaccatoFan

    StaccatoFan Our National Nightmare is over

    Not that I'm defending it, but the scanner helps with fake ID detection, I'm sure. My brother had a fake ID in 1990 and that fucker looked authentic as hell, so the ones now are probably brilliant.

    Looks like Maryland has a lot of pending legislation on the topic based on a quick google search.
  12. 418

    418 Expert #59


    They should ban plastic jugs too.

    If you want a gallon of milk just get it from the cow direct and carry that shit home in your hands.

    Fuck putting milk in a container.

    Think people. Think!
  13. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Everything should be in the easily and continuously recyclable glass containers. We've had that process figured out for quite some time.
  14. chrysta1

    chrysta1 Well-Known Member

    Where you able to add money to a Wechat account to pay with Wechat?
  15. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Amex, baby. They handled the heavy lifting and monitored the ever living F for any sign of fraud.
  16. 969

    969 Well-Known Member

    I was JOE BUICK in 1989 the third one of my friends to use that id.
  17. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    I prefer to bag my own groceries so some moron doesn’t load a cantaloupe on top of my loaf of burger buns.
  18. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    Ontario Canada has been doing this for several years. Northern Ontario doesnt hardly recycle any plastic. They just recently started with deposits on alcohol but, no deposit on soft drinks, yet. Ski
  19. zertrider

    zertrider Waiting for snow. Or sun.

    It still baffles me how many places in the US do not recycle. Here we have a great big wheely bin that all cardboard, paper, glass, plastic and can go into.
    And we have had to buy plastic bags at the grocery store for years. We have a ton of reusable fabric bags in our vehicles. And I will say it's actually kind of nice seeing less plastic bags blowing around in the wind and ditches.
    Phl218 and Mike Fennell like this.
  20. pickled egg

    pickled egg Well-Known Member

    And everything in that “recycling” bin goes into the landfill.

    Except for the aluminum and steel. Because they make money on those.

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