Our yard, right around an acre, has over 40 feet of elevation change. So, its considered a bit hilly. I have been looking for a new riding lawn mower. Checking on Consumer Reports, their rankings and recommendations dont cover hilly terrain use ("handling" catagory may, but not so much how it does stability wise on hills). Searching online only came up with a few forum board posts. Anyone have experience with a zero turn, or smaller radius turning machine that can handle some side hills ok? Zero-turns to me just have the appearance of a lower center of gravity. There are times I am on three wheels on my current machine, and I actually have to "hang off" a bit (I consider it track practice). I would prefer zero turn due to the half-circle shape of my yard and with the trees and such, I end up having to double back a lot with my painfully old mower. Plus, it takes me almost 90 minutes to mow the yard, I would like to cut that down. Thanks in advance.
I've got 2 acres and my backyard has an elevation drop like yours. I got a Cub Cadet LT1050 with the Kohler 23HP engine 50" cut. Had it for 3 years now and it performs flawlessly. I didn't go the zero turn route because most of them have the skid-steer type controls and that just doesn't look like fun to me. My grass cutting once a week is about the only "me" time I get. Put on the Ipod and cut the grass Kid Rock style.
I'd go zero turn. I've mowed some stuff that was waaay to steep to be mowing, and I remember being scared shitless and sliding occasionally on the traditional riding mower. It was still quite scary on the zero turn, but way less. Also be careful about music and mowing, to hear the music I always had to turn it way up and it can be pretty bad your ears at those volumes.
You do make a good point there Wes. I've already got a bad case of tinitus in my left ear, but the sad thing is I can't imagine cutting without the tunes.
Love my Scaag 52". Big $$$ but it would be the last residential mower you'd ever buy, and can always easily sell it to a commercial mowing company later.
I was using a Toro, either 48" or 52" and I liked it a lot, but sure was loud. If you really want some tunes, I would suggest noise cancelling headphones (bose has amazing ones), or you can simply put earmuffs over your ears and use earbuds with your ipod. Just make sure that when there's no background noise, listening to the music doesn't hurt, or isn't annoyingly loud.
am in sales for a lawn and garden equipment distributor. I have run just about ever machine out there. If you are doing a bunch of side hill mowing I would not suggest a zero turn. The front wheels on a zero turn will try to fall downhill and the machine can try and run awway. That being said, the best zero turn for side hills is by far a Ferris. They are fully suspended like a car. This will allow the mower to sit into the hill. It also allows you to mow faster and be more comfortable while mowing. Check out their website. http://www.ferrisindustries.com/ Give one a try, you will not beleive how well they mow and ride.
My roommate is the southeastern territory manager for cub cadet... I get to demo a crap ton of them on our yard, they are all pretty bad ass. if you wanna shell out some money.. buy the tank
I have found the same thing with Zero turn on sidehills, you have to constantly balance the steering levers to 'chase' it. Also I have had the inside wheel lift turning into a side hill and mower is basically out of control for a few feet. I've seen a mower that kept the rider upright, almost like a motorcycle, while the deck followed the side hill, on a steep mountain lawn, no clue what brand it was, but it did look effective and expensive
I mow maybe 5 acres with my 1977 Sears garden tractor...much of it on a pretty steep sidehill. I hangoff...way off... It gets fresh oil (no filter) every year (or so, if I remember)....and new belts when they break. The best $1400 I spent on a item I really didn't want. You can spend big bucks on a mower but then what do you have? A MOWER!! Buy cheap and spend the extra on tires.