Should be v4..... but it shows V3 and v4 in the same race? .... maybe WERA will put V3 back with V5 so you can bumb up to v4 and GP 500 can bumb to V3.... ????
Not sure about V3 (especially with smaller bumping up) and being in F2. What exactly are you guys looking at for the class groupings anyway?
Hopefully, you'll get almost everyone giving you some feedback on this…I've been out of the mix for a while, so my voice is muted, but I would guess that riders are thinking of: safety (closing speeds and such); the ability to compete in their familiar classes (as evidenced in Doug's post above yours); and maybe how they will 'bump up' in the listed groupings, whic might be easy…or not so easy.
Well, the bump up thing for V1-V2 to V3 is really just John Cook. He's the only one riding both classes. I'll have to look and see if anyone bumped V3 to V4.
O....sorry Sir Robin.... I thought the word Bump was only used by you and Hate as a track racing term.... for moving people out of the way .....
The older I get the more I rely on both my reading glasses and Excedrin Migraine for threads like these.
Since 350 gp is nuked, whats the spec for CB350's in 500gp? Maybe they should be allowed cams and carbs to make them, well, a little less slow.
I'll likely only make one or two rounds and then hopefully GNF but is a bump from v3 to V5 acceptable/safe for an XS650? I'm looking at race #4 as extra track time. #4: LWT SS, DSB, ESS,V5
Actually the genesis of the word Bump has its origins with Robin172's more commonly referred to nom de guerre 'Sir Bumpalot'. You can find out how he honed his highly controversial technique in his autobiography 'The Art Of Bump'. Incidentally, several respected book scholars have noted a distinct similarity to Robin's book with Sun Tzu's renowned historical work 'Art of War'. And for the record, my involvement with the term bump and Robin172 was as an innocent victim as practiced his black art.
Oh mean like V1 spec Honda 350 for 500GP?......Wait, I've heard that before,...???... where have I heard that before....?????
Depends on the F2 bike. Most are SV650's right now with the occasional one being full superbike and the occasional real F2 GP250 machine.