good: - it's the best layout of all the tracks i've been to. (there's a reason they've been racing there for decades. - it's the fastest track (average speed) i've ever been to (one of the fastest in the country) - the mgmt is trying to improve the place (slowly...but surely) - they have the best breakfast sandwiches - it's got the scariest/fastest corner i've ever been in (kink in back straight) bad: - it's bumpy...and i mean parts falling off your bike bumpy - it looks like a dump
The track is a lot of fun and fazer hit the nail on the head. However, I have been out there 3 times this year and the track is ROUGHER than last year. I have also been fighting a REALLY bad headshake issue on the back straight before the kink...we fought this last weekend on 3 different bikes. I think a lot of it has to do with the new Dunlop fronts...we never had this issue with the 208' just be prepared to make some major set-up changes.
VIR gearing would be too tall I would say .. I've been hearing more and more headshake issues from people on Dunlops .. odd ..
Did they do any repaving last year? Last time I was there T4 was still the same .. I thought I heard something about that being paved ... ?
Great.............does this mean that the patches in T1/T2/T3/T4 are all "WORE" and "LIFTED"? I didn't like how they patched them to begin with anyway................... :down:
They patched T4 last year on Saturday of a race weekend! Arghhhhh! The carousel was repaved and is decent, but i'm not familiar with how bad it used to be. Last year was my first time on the track.
I use VIR gearing here, and while I dont reach the redline in sixth, I am still able to get a good drive off all of the corners.
Lets just say that there were a lot of gravel/rocks flying toward you when you are following someone close through T4............. :down:
My advice: If you run into a turn hot (any turn), lean it and try to make it. Standing it up and running off into the grass/ruts/bumps is asking for trouble.