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1st time at Nelson?

Discussion in 'General' started by kevinrc51, May 3, 2006.

  1. kevinrc51

    kevinrc51 Well-Known Member

    Never been, looking for any input..
  2. Its fast and bumpy
  3. fazer

    fazer Banned

    - it's the best layout of all the tracks i've been to. (there's a reason they've been racing there for decades.
    - it's the fastest track (average speed) i've ever been to (one of the fastest in the country)
    - the mgmt is trying to improve the place (slowly...but surely)
    - they have the best breakfast sandwiches
    - it's got the scariest/fastest corner i've ever been in (kink in back straight)

    - it's bumpy...and i mean parts falling off your bike bumpy
    - it looks like a dump
  4. tzrboy

    tzrboy Working hard to play harder!

    Same gearing as VIR????
  5. prostang117

    prostang117 Member

    kevin have fun at nelson i am off to putnam to do a track day
  6. goodmatt78

    goodmatt78 Well-Known Member

    The track is a lot of fun and fazer hit the nail on the head. However, I have been out there 3 times this year and the track is ROUGHER than last year. I have also been fighting a REALLY bad headshake issue on the back straight before the kink...we fought this last weekend on 3 different bikes.

    I think a lot of it has to do with the new Dunlop fronts...we never had this issue with the 208's.....so just be prepared to make some major set-up changes.
  7. goodmatt78

    goodmatt78 Well-Known Member

    What bike....what tires?
  8. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    VIR gearing would be too tall I would say ..

    I've been hearing more and more headshake issues from people on Dunlops .. odd ..
  9. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Did they do any repaving last year? Last time I was there T4 was still the same .. I thought I heard something about that being paved ... ?
  10. Sunny

    Sunny Banned

    Great.............does this mean that the patches in T1/T2/T3/T4 are all "WORE" and "LIFTED"? I didn't like how they patched them to begin with anyway................... :down:
  11. slaw0002

    slaw0002 Not as fat !!!!!!!

  12. rugbymook

    rugbymook Under Construction

    They patched T4 last year on Saturday of a race weekend! Arghhhhh!

    The carousel was repaved and is decent, but i'm not familiar with how bad it used to be. Last year was my first time on the track.
  13. I use VIR gearing here, and while I dont reach the redline in sixth, I am still able to get a good drive off all of the corners.
  14. Sunny

    Sunny Banned

    Lets just say that there were a lot of gravel/rocks flying toward you when you are following someone close through T4............. :down:
  15. rugbymook

    rugbymook Under Construction

    I thought those were the mosquitoes!!!
  16. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The mosquitos are bigger than that :D
  17. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    It used to be real bad. It's pretty good now actually - at least in 04 when I was last there.
  18. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    My advice: If you run into a turn hot (any turn), lean it and try to make it. Standing it up and running off into the grass/ruts/bumps is asking for trouble.
  19. goodmatt78

    goodmatt78 Well-Known Member

    Anyone find a final solution?
  20. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    Switch to Pirelli's or Michelins?

    That's what a couple people I know have done ..

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