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120hz vs 240hz

Discussion in 'General' started by brother_ed7, May 27, 2011.

  1. brother_ed7

    brother_ed7 brother_ed7

    Thinking about hitting the Memorial Day sales and getting a 47 inch LED LCD TV. My question to the BEEBS is...should I save the coin and just get the 120hz?
  2. benny6d9

    benny6d9 Well-Known Member

  3. tikki50

    tikki50 Well-Known Member

    no go for the 240 it makes a noticeable difference in motion quality on the screen.
  4. Skits

    Skits Well-Known Member

    Panasonic Viera plasma, and forget about refresh rates. I am consistently stunned by how good it looks.
  5. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Well-Known Member

    +1 to plasma
  6. goodmatt78

    goodmatt78 Well-Known Member

    Be sure you understand frame rate vs. refresh rate before you get bogged down by the numbers. Blue Ray content uses a slower frame rate of 24fps vs. 50 or 60fps. Lots of HDTVs can't actually display 24fps which is superior. More isn't always better.

    Frame rate is how many frames per second. Refresh is how many times that frame is repeated and not nearly as important.

    Don't get bogged down by 120 vs 240Hz, check out the individual tvs and judge for yourself.
  7. tikki50

    tikki50 Well-Known Member

    haha I didnt want to start a plasma lcd argument here, but yeah +1 panasonic plasma's are absolutely stunning the colors are very accurate esp after calibration. However they do consume quite a bit of energy, but worth it.
  8. brother_ed7

    brother_ed7 brother_ed7

    Yeah, I'm getting an LED-LCD. It's between an LG or a Samsung...most likely going to get the LG. From what I have seen the 240 is about $300 more than the 120hz
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    We got a Sony LED/LCD and love it. No clue if it's 120 or 240 but pretty sure 120. I know there were a couple of units more expensive but side by side it made no difference.
  10. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    +2 My Panasonic 50" 720p is all you need and they sell for around $650 on sale all the time.
  11. bleacht

    bleacht Well-Known Member

    They consume more energy at startup but require less energy than LCDs while in use, fwiw
  12. tikki50

    tikki50 Well-Known Member

    might want to research a bit here: avsforum.com they have some really in depth information for just about every unit out.

    @Bleacht: didnt know that, thanks.
  13. V7 Jerry

    V7 Jerry Well-Known Member

    My buddy has a 55" Samsung LED with 240hz and some sort of motion blur technology bs. It made everything on his HD cable, movies and tv shows, look like a cheap spanish soap opera. We had to go into the settings and manually turned one of the adjustments down from 5 to 0 and the other from 5 to 1. Now the picture is incredible and the movies actually look like movies again.

    My parents got a 70" Sharp LED with 120Hz and we still had to turn down some of it's technology as well so the movies didn't look fake. I think all the Hz bs is over rate.
  14. Spooner

    Spooner Well-Known Member

    When we bought our 46" samsung LCD we looked at the 120 and 240 side by side and we couldn't tell a difference. I actually think we thought the 120 looked better IIRC. I've been very happy with it and I saved a couple hundred bucks too.
  15. goodmatt78

    goodmatt78 Well-Known Member

    Also, make sure the differences you are referring to seeing are not "motion flow" being enabled vs. the 120-240hz comparison.

    If you are talking about the animated looking effect (some refer to it as fake looking or 3D looking), this is the motion control not the refresh rate. Most experts hate this look and turn it off since it can be disturbing.

    I am torn as it looks kinda cool...but I am not sure if I would get used to it.
  16. mattf

    mattf Banned-a-lama-ding-dong.

    Samsung LED at 240. Amazing picture.

    I run the information superhighway for a living, so I see alot of tv's, and the Samsungs are what I have in my house.
  17. some guy #2

    some guy #2 Well-Known Member

    they sell 1080p 50" for about $800 or less in the newspaper ads all the time. I am very pleased with my 2008 tv so far :)

    I wish it had 24 fps support but i'm not getting rid of it anytime soon :P
  18. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    Thats not true.

    On a lcd refresh rate is still how many times per second the screen is drawn. On plasma they skew the numbers, so its not quite the same meaning... hence Panasonics "claimed" 480hz refresh rate... (8 sub-fields * 60hz = 480hz)
  19. theJrod

    theJrod Well-Known Member

    I never really understood it, but admittedly I haven't looked into it much recently either. I used to be very up to speed on the technology.

    If your content is only 24,30,60fps, what's the benefit of redrawing (refreshing) the screen 240x/second?
    Last edited: May 27, 2011
  20. thrak410

    thrak410 My member is well known

    you can fit more refreshes into a single frame, and reduce the "blur"... the higher rate also allows them to generate the info between the frames which is how they do the smooth motion stuff

    if you can only refresh the screen once per frame there's no room to interpolate the next frame info to "smooth" it out

    fwiw, I hate smooth motion technology. I put it on 1 for pixar/animation stuff but turn it off totally for everything else

    plasma had to make up that 480hz refresh as a marketing trick to keep pace w/ the lcd's marketing, even though it doesnt mean anything important
    Last edited: May 27, 2011

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