crashed by a kid

Discussion in 'General' started by todzuki, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. slclark65

    slclark65 Well-Known Member

    My mom finally had to resort to the wooden spoon. We laugh about it now. Always ask if she every made any money from all the stock she had to have with the company. She went through a few in my years.
  2. TXFZ1

    TXFZ1 Well-Known Member

    Grandma would make us go out to the willow tree and pick a switch. We always tried coming back with a little tiny flimsy one, man oh man, she always picked a thick that hurt.

    I always wondered how Dad could get me while driving and there I was right behind him.

  3. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member


    Yeah, the orange ones! I also had the red, white and blue ones from the Thundershift 500! (Gotta say that in your monster truck announcer voice!) She actually kept one of the orange ones in a cabinet so she would also know where one was when she needed it! My aunt and her figured out that if you left the little hard plastic connector in one end it gave it a little more ZING! :down:

    CYA Brother Jay!
  4. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    :p Nope, you got me beat by 9ish years. I guess that still makes me old! ;) My uncle is about your age, and I think grandma taught my mom that trick!

  5. GCBusa

    GCBusa Well-Known Member

    Wait a minute Scott, I met your mom this weekend and I just can't picture such a nice lady taking a belt to you. You must have been a really bad kid. :D
  6. xsr71x

    xsr71x Old Member

    Many a wooden spoon/pingpong paddle where broken over my rump....

    My mom was the only one to ever spank father never touched me until I was 16-17 and I mouthed off to my thing I knew my feet where dangling 3-6" off the ground and my fathers hand was wrapped around my neck asking me if I understood him....

    My parents made it clear growing up that if they brought us into this world they could take us out of it...Also if we didnt like the rules of the house we could move out... but once out there was no moving back in EVER! That rule is still in place.

    I'm only 28 so this new parenting method didn't start until more recently than that.
  7. limy_1

    limy_1 Crash Starter

    Time out has always been around but never called that.
    As a kid I had to stand in a corner from time to time.
    If I was crying in that corner there was a reason, spanked.
    I imagine this lasted until I was 6, then it was the belt, faternatity paddle, wooden spoon, hot wheels track.
    Heck I even met the Board of Education a couple of times in school.:eek:
    The last time my dad tried to spank me I had done something really stupid (I have since forgotten) I was around 16. I fought back. Since that time up to his death we were good friends.
  8. F4Scott

    F4Scott Step out of the car

    Yeah, she is really nice now. She has "mellowed" a bit from her younger years. I used to know how to push the right buttons to set her off. Actually my sister was the one that was REALLY good at getting her pissed. I like to think of myself as just the innocent bystander that got caught up in the "crime" :rolleyes:
    But we did know how to act in public because we knew if we mis-behaved that the "Belt" was waiting for us at home.

    Scott P.
  9. WonderWoman

    WonderWoman Active Member

    Man yall had it easy. I was raised in a very strict Marine Corps fmaily. "Time out" for me was sitting on the wall. Thats where you put your back against the wall, put your legs at 90 degree and "sit". That stuff hurts. My step father would make me sit there for hours. To this day I still dont need a chair if theres a wall. Pretty sad.

    I would always try to get away from my mother when she took th belt to me, so she got smart. She would hold onto my arm and follow me around in circles. Funny when we talk about it now.

    I have a rather large family. 13 brothers and sister and 27 neices and nephews under the age of 12. None of those kids mess up when I am around, I only have to give them "the look" and they will freeze. My sisters and brothers dont spank their kids because they dont think its right (the hippies). On the very few occasions when they have had to have me babysit I have fore warned them before they left them at my house:

    "Look, when you come back.. and your kid is walking funny.. Its because I beat his ass for messing up."

    I dont like kids, and everyone knows this so this hasnt happen many times, only in emergencies. Pretty funny to see my sisters and brothers faces when I tell them Im going to beat their kids asses though!
  10. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    It's funny about the look - the grandkid knows the look and I've never had to lay a hand on him. However it is and always will be a possibility if he screws up bad enough and he knows it. But he's one that the respect thing is huge for him, he doesn't want to disappoint me more than anything.
  11. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    ROFLMAO! Thnx I needed the laugh this morning, great post!
  12. WonderWoman

    WonderWoman Active Member

    Youre welcome. :D
  13. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    Spankings yes, especially to correct dangerous behavior, but the spank is more of a "I got your attention now" kind of thing.

    Beatings no. Beatings are just plain fucked up and bad parenting IMHO.
  14. charles

    charles The Transporter

    Mongo (the Great!), I am very pleased to read your statement and see your concern...I realize you can't be everywhere, all the time, policing things at the track, but allow me to advise in good faith that this last Saturday at CMP, there were TOO many kids- and adults- going TOO fast in the pit area on can ask Mark Morrow or Joe Pomeroy about concern is that someone is going to get seriously injured and then you've got litigation and expenses, not to mention bad feelings, etc...
    maybe too many "loose" kids running around and too many pit-bikes at some of the events.
  15. wera176

    wera176 Well-Known Member

    So the grandkid is afraid of yellow-skinned, green haired giants too? ;) I know I am!
  16. todzuki

    todzuki got OBS?

    wow! 5 pages?

    I've been in Louisianna since Sunday night, so I've been unable to look at this.

    With regards to the question of my paddock speed: I had barely let out the clutch from a stop when the kid ran out, and was making the left toward my pit area, so the bike was upset easily plus it was emergency braking. The front slid in an arc as it went down. I tried to save it, but at that point, my feet were God knows where and there was nothing to do but hang on.

    It's just a shift lever and linkage. That stuff can be replaced. I'm fine and the kid will live to do it again. Thanks for the kind words, by the way.
  17. STT-Rider

    STT-Rider Well-Known Member

    STT's official stance

    STT is contacting the parents of this minor. When they entered BMS they signed an agreement promising to accept responsability for said minor.

    We are going to attempt to collect damages for our member who suffered as a result of the actions of the minor ond obvious lack of action of the parent(s).
  18. Ninja250Rider

    Ninja250Rider Dad's Little Hooligan

    Re: STT's official stance

    VERY GOOD POST!! :clap: :clap: :up: :rock:
  19. Sacko DougK

    Sacko DougK Well-Known Member

    Re: STT's official stance

    That's great, but, probably not going to happen without lawyers and courts. :down:
  20. todzuki

    todzuki got OBS?

    Re: STT's official stance

    Thank you for your interest and quick action at the track. I'm not looking for anything from her or you. If there is compensation to be had, please forward it to the Roadracing World Action Fund. The damaged components were minor. Shifter and linkage only. The leathers were due for repair anyway. I will cerainly be registering for more STT events in the future. You guys know what customer service is.

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