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Ronnie Gallegos

Discussion in 'General' started by SmokeSignalRT, Jun 25, 2005.

  1. SmokeSignalRT

    SmokeSignalRT Fat Member

    Any word on how he is doing?
  2. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Nothing on our end but wondering every day.... Just haven't been home long enough to find out.
  3. da chop

    da chop BEN SPIES is my hero.

    i heard that he is doing better. spud (james stroud) told me he is walking a little bit and talking. he is going to be at UAB for another 1 1/2 - 2 weeks for therapy. still no word on the longevity of his condition. everyone keep him and wendy in your prayers. i hope maybe someone else can give more details than what i have.


  4. F4Scott

    F4Scott Step out of the car

    That is good news to hear about Ronnie.
    I am going to try to get up to UAB and see him tomorrow. I don't really know Ronnie but he is a member of my motorcycle club here in B'ham. He is in the room right next to the one I was in Sunday and Monday. I want to go up there and say thanks to all those that took care of me. I also want to go down to the ER and do the same. I will have to have someone point them out to me since I won't remember, but I still want to do it. I figure they don't get a lot of people coming back and thanking them. It is the least I can do.
    Mongo, do you have any way for me to get in touch with the helicopter crew who's day of spectating I ruined?

    Scott P.
  5. da chop

    da chop BEN SPIES is my hero.

    ronnie would probably enjoy that, knowing that you went through a rough crash also.
  6. twostroke

    twostroke Well-Known Member

    I've talked to Ronnie several times, have not seen him since Sunday night after the accident. Pit Bull Charlie and Aaron went down Thursday night to see him. He is way ahead of schedule, he has come a long ways in the last week. He is up walking around and communicating, and making since most of the time!!!! Head injuries are a weird thing and we can only pray that Ronnie makes a full recovery. Wendy is the cornerstone that Ronnie needs, and she will make sure he comes through this a-okay!! Prayers for Ronnie & Wendy (two of the best people you would ever meet) and all their family. Get well soon Ronnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. da chop

    da chop BEN SPIES is my hero.

    thanks jamie,
    nough said.
  8. SmokeSignalRT

    SmokeSignalRT Fat Member

    Larry was telling me a little about it this afternoon sounds like he has some good friends and family. Keep us updated.

  9. RoadRacerX

    RoadRacerX Jesus Freak

    Sounds great so far. Praying for your recovery, Ronnie. :)
  10. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

  11. B.Augie

    B.Augie Wera 930

    C'mon Ronnie, heal up quick brother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Wendy.
  12. F4Scott

    F4Scott Step out of the car

    Just got back from a visit with Ronnie. He seems to be doing pretty good. He is WAY ahead of where they thought he would be right now. They had to tape his neck brace on since he kept pulling it off during the night. I know how he feels, I can't stand wearing mine. They are going to be moving him into the Rehab part of the hospital probably tomorrow. Not sure how long he will be in there, but things are looking really positive right now.

    Scott P.
  13. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    that is really good to hear....thanks for the update. tell him we are thinking about, praying for, and asking about him.
  14. luckyhat12

    luckyhat12 Silly Blue Rider

    Hey guys... some of Ronnie's friends have built a web site for his support. It is located here..


    He is doing much better. He transfered to rehab on Monday and they have been doing therapy for a couple of days. I was there this evening and he seemed to be in better sorts. Keep him in your prayers so that his recovery will be smooth and speedy.

  15. weggie man

    weggie man Well-Known Member

    I just checked that web site and sent a message to penguin1300 to have Wendy contact us for assistance. If anyone elase can contact her please have her check our web site and contact us.
  16. bossbusa

    bossbusa Quick Member

    Get Well Soon Ronnie!

    Prayers for a quick recovery!

    Just wanted to say what a super guy Ronnie is. First WERA National at Jennings we were underwater in the pits. He loaned me his flatbed trailer to move our pit to higher ground, without knowing me from "adam".

    Ross Ryals
  17. luckyhat12

    luckyhat12 Silly Blue Rider

    They are talking at the hospital that he may be able to go home this weekend. He will still be in rehab for months, but he can do it as outpatient therapy. I will post up when he is released.

    Novice #325
  18. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    thanks for the update....

    ...tell him hi from all of us.
  19. B.Augie

    B.Augie Wera 930

  20. luckyhat12

    luckyhat12 Silly Blue Rider

    Hey All...

    Ronnie is scheduled to be released from the hospital tomorrow. I just got off the phone with Wendy and she said that his Mom is coming into town from California to help take care of him for several weeks and the locals up here have things like his yard and some food already lined up.

    They greatly appreciate all the calls and concern for both Ronnie and Wendy (His Girlfriend). It is going to be along road to full recovery, but he is working on it. All the prayers have been helping tremendously. When they took the first cat scan, we were told 3 weeks in Neuro ICU. Now he is getting out of the hospital altogether in 3 weeks.

    Keep him in your thought. I know the financial struggle is going to be the next major hurdle as the physicians start billing him.

    Thanks for checking in on him,

    Chris Halbrooks

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