MotoAmerica | Superbikes at Pittsburgh presented by LaRoche Aviation Services | Aug 19-21

Discussion in 'General' started by RossK6, Aug 16, 2022.

  1. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Where does it say “beginner class”
    Especially in a professional series??

    he’s signed up, didn’t ask for special rules and has played by the rules set forth by the org.

    lol weren’t you in DMG during the rolling starts? You might wanna sit this one out. LOL.
  2. rd49

    rd49 Well-Known Member

    FastByKids steal your login? :D
  3. Yama-saurus

    Yama-saurus Well-Known Member

    Well, CW is MotoA age range of 14-28......
  4. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Straight from Moto Americas web site.

    What is MotoAmerica Junior Cup?
    The Junior Cup class is MotoAmerica's entry level class, featuring riders as young as 14 competing on small-displacement, production-based motorcycles.

    Evidently Moto America is presenting it as an entry level class which basically equates into a beginners class. It also mentions an age group of 14-25. So yes a 28 YO experienced rider who is also a consistent top ten place finisher in the Twins class seems a bit disingenuous and a departure from the original intent of the class structure/purpose.

    I’m pretty sure DMG never actually implemented the rolling starts or a pace bike.
    GNC and 418 like this.
  5. 418

    418 Expert #59

    Yeah it's definitely weird. His first pro race was in 2010.

    For reference, Kayla Yaakov was four years old in 2010.

    I think this is kinda more on MA than anything though. The age spread is too wide and if you've already been racing in other classes as a pro you shouldn't be allowed to bump down.
  6. Yama-saurus

    Yama-saurus Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 20, 2022
    SundaySocial likes this.
  7. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Where’s @tophyr pitted? Need to stalk some more people…
  8. KWyman133

    KWyman133 Well-Known Member

    He took 4 years off and his only way to come back racing financially was in junior cup, which in turn has opened the door for him to get a ride in twins half way through this season. His career is back on track because of the opportunity he wasn’t too proud to take.
    Went from 9-5 working at the apple store to full time racing and coaching.
    Come at me if you want, not him. I am super proud of him.
  9. Ducman851

    Ducman851 Been told I’m that guy, but I’m really not

    <mic drop>
    Jed likes this.
  10. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Like superbike to supersport? That would be bumping down, wouldn’t it?

    CW didn’t make the rules , he’s using them to his advantage. Nothing wrong with it. And he’s a class act in that series.
    stk0308, Boman Forklift, 418 and 2 others like this.
  11. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

  12. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Dammit I suck at pics and can’t make them show up right

  13. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

  14. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member


    F it.

    Some really good people in this paddock!
    Gino230 and socalrider like this.
  15. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Thank you #99

    418, TLR67 and socalrider like this.
  16. YamahaRick

    YamahaRick Yamaha Two Stroke Czar

  17. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Geoff was very cool!
    TLR67 and G 97 like this.
  18. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Thanks Rick.

    I suck
  19. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    PJ was very cool.

    because all PJ’s are

    418, socalrider and G 97 like this.
  20. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Signore Ferracci. Boomer had no idea he was standing with greatness. 827C9049-2932-4C61-A5CC-80B16BD1CB5B.jpeg

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