Ohlins Damper Rod tool options?

Discussion in 'Tech' started by Bob Miller, Feb 23, 2021.

  1. Bob Miller

    Bob Miller Well-Known Member

    Hey guys;
    Running Ohlins 30mm kit in my forks and intend to maintain my own oil and swap springs when needed. Just got done with doing this yesterday and did not have the tool to pull up on the damper rod making the project a bit more involving than needed to be. Looped a strand of safety wire around the threads up top to pull the shaft up...though it worked i figure a proper tool in long run well be way to go as i plan to do this at least yearly.

    Can anyone confirm if the Motion Pro tool with multiple threaded end options will work for the Ohlins application? Or has anyone found a simple hardware solution of some sort of rod to thread accordingly?

    Thank you.
  2. racepro171

    racepro171 to finish first, first you must finish!

  3. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

  4. Bob Miller

    Bob Miller Well-Known Member

  5. RIB333

    RIB333 Well-Known Member

    I spoke to Ohlins about the Ninja 400 cartridges. The tech indicated to me he thought the motion Pro tool would work since it has multiple thread sizes.
    Bob Miller likes this.
  6. Bob Miller

    Bob Miller Well-Known Member

    Thank you
  7. Boman Forklift

    Boman Forklift Well-Known Member

  8. Bob Miller

    Bob Miller Well-Known Member

    No worries.
    Looks like motion pro is most affordable unless i snag a small segment of copper or alum pipe and thread a inch of it on the end. Kind of inclined to do this as its such a simple tool.
  9. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around


    By the time you're done buying material(s), re-engineering the wheel, and valuing your time at zero dollars an hour, the right tool is $30 and will work on virtually every single set of forks you'll ever work on.
  10. Bob Miller

    Bob Miller Well-Known Member

    This tool to pull up damper rod is nothing more than a 12 inch hollow rod with threads on the end. Thinking maybe $2 and 20min to spin a tap into it unless im missing something.
    I should just not be a cheap ass as $30 is really nothing hahahah.
  11. metricdevilmoto

    metricdevilmoto Just forking around

    I'm aware of what the tool does. I own a whole bunch of them. I was turning a phrase. You're putting time and effort into coming up with a solution to a problem that a very cost effective solution already exists and is readily available.
  12. Bob Miller

    Bob Miller Well-Known Member

    Oh , gotcha....was thinking i miss something haahha
  13. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    I own about 8 of them, I'd offer to sell you one but you have admitted you're a cheap ass. :) You can make one easily on a lathe but ones available commercially work better - they have some extra love in them - a tapered inner shoulder, knurling in the upper area for oily grip, extra space inside so that the inner damping rod isn't damaged, etc.
    backho and RightSideUp like this.
  14. Bob Miller

    Bob Miller Well-Known Member

    Thanks man.
    I got a 10" length brass pipe hardware store for $3 and drank a beer while i spun a tap into it for threads. Suppose could do other end diff pitch. $3 and five min my time. Its ohlins brass color....ill pop a decal on it say i paid $90 for it hahaha.
  15. bobo3456

    bobo3456 New Member

    Coming into this party late but hoping to leave it here for future reference - a DIY option, just print your own: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6044261
    The Motion Pro 30$ tool does not work for me, the thread is too short because my Ducati Ohlins fork cartridges have a non-threaded part at the top that prevents the larger thread from engaging.

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