Dogs... Do they let you know when it's time?

Discussion in 'General' started by Hyperdyne, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    Just don't make him suffer, when you know for sure that he's hurting bad / all the time do the right thing and make the call. It's gonna suck for everybody when you do it anyway, don't drag it out and regret waiting too long later. I did that with one and it still bothers me.
    pjzocc, Razr and Senna like this.
  2. Senna

    Senna Well-Known Member

    Yep, my parents waited a bit too long to let go of our family dog. My dad has always said it's one of his big regrets.
    pjzocc likes this.
  3. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that PJ......I'm sure you gave Emmitt a great life, and he will be remembered. That pic is awesome, that little guy has a good role model.
    pjzocc likes this.
  4. barnacle bill

    barnacle bill Darethea and B Bill

    They let you know . Don't let him suffer . I know . I have shed those tears many times and will do so again. b bill
    pjzocc likes this.
  5. lopitt85

    lopitt85 Well-Known Member

    I understand your situation. Lost mine a couple years back, she was almost 16. Haven't had the heart to get another dog yet. I got lucky and she passed without showing any signs of suffering. She was still jogging and jumping and playing. Went out to use the bathroom and never came back in. The wife found her lying next to the fence in the backyard.

    A good way I've heard it put, and what I follow, is that it's time when a dog can dog anymore. Then it's time
  6. yzfpat

    yzfpat Active Member

    Best advice I've heard is that it's time when they can't enjoy being a dog anymore. Believe Mongo said that years ago.
    Sorry for what you're going through. It's the time we all dread.
    pjzocc likes this.
  7. cyclocrossfool

    cyclocrossfool Well-Known Member

    our Weimaraner Jordan told us it was time back in 2014. he was dying of cancer. one night on he got up and wanted to go out side. he went out and laid in the rain and banged his chin on the ground as he look at us. he was telling us it was time. 2/15/2001-12/7/2014. this is Bluford on the left with his brother and sister. he turned 6 in feb.[​IMG]
    pjzocc and britx303 like this.
  8. Pride & Joy

    Pride & Joy Well-Known Member

    FWIW, one of my vets once told me that it's better to be a few days too early than a few hours too late.... Regardless, it is NEVER an easy decision. Most of our fur babies have been rescues. As such, we usually only get 2 - 5 years before their health deteriorates. Holding 100+ pounders (mostly Rottins) in my lap and arms during the procedure has always hurt much more than I care to admit. I do believe they found it comforting to be with their loved ones.
    Metalhead and pjzocc like this.
  9. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    It will be a year 03-JUL that Cash crossed over. I do miss him every day. I’ve thought about another one every day.
  10. barnacle bill

    barnacle bill Darethea and B Bill

    ditto on the don't wait too late and a weekend is never a good time. ( hard to get into the vet) . If you read the signs they will let you know when it is time. b bill
  11. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Have an appointment with our vet tomorrow. Tonight is our last hurrah with our loyal boy. 14.5yrs old. Our kids are crushed, but they’re giving Emmitt lots of love and treats! He’s helped raise our kids, has been their protector, their security blanket, their pony and their sled puller.

    I don’t know what life will look like tomorrow without him, but sure as shit it won’t be the same. Without a doubt, the most kick-ass camping buddy I’ve ever had.

    I am fucking gutted tonight.

    B3042F5F-8641-455F-8A07-517AE265A419.jpeg E674A610-4FDA-452B-B6C7-03E6F61E4022.jpeg
    Senna likes this.
  12. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Sorry to hear, man. My golden will be 15 next week and still going strong, but I know it’s coming sooner than later. I dread that more than anything in life, right now.
    pjzocc likes this.
  13. britx303

    britx303 Boomstick Butcher…..

    Aw man, sorry to hear that. My heart goes out to you and your family.
    pjzocc likes this.
  14. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    theyre amazing dogs! We’ve got another, Troy. 13yrs old.
  15. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    AA5831FE-F6E3-4AA5-B656-AE1D9B85CFD2.jpeg Yup. They sure are.
    pjzocc likes this.
  16. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    Yes sir. I have wept like a baby doing this for friends that can't do it. Anytime someone would need to put a pet down, but couldn't do it, I stepped up and did it for them. Animals....and humans....want to be held as they pass on.
    Pride & Joy likes this.
  17. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    I'm really sorry for your loss, you can tell from the pictures he's fucking awesome!
    Some advice if I may though, when my lab died it destroyed me and now it's been 10 years and I'm just now ready to get another, and I believe that if we would have gotten another family dog shortly after things would have been easier for me and my entire family, it took me a long time to realize it's not replacing the animal it's just giving another dog an amazing life and letting them help you heal.
    Pride & Joy and pjzocc like this.
  18. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    thanks for that. I hear what you’re saying 100%. Memorial Day, the Wife and crew brought home Teddy Brosevelt. Emmitt and I had a long talk about showing the new guy the ropes. Hoping it worked...

    Been sitting on the deck with Emmitt all night, just chatting. The kids are setting up their racks in the family room to spend the night with him.

    Tomorrow is gonna suck.

    Attached Files:

    Senna and noles19 like this.
  19. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    Awesome picture and name!
    I hope you guys have a goodnight together and you all find peace tomorrow
    Funkm05, Banditracer and pjzocc like this.
  20. pjzocc

    pjzocc Well-Known Member

    Troy will be 15 in March. He’s been struggling much lately. Collapsed this morning while eating breffast. Have an appointment for him at 11 for a look-over. Not optimistic about what I’m gonna hear…

    Senna likes this.

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