Another Boeing 737 Max-8 crash

Discussion in 'General' started by SPL170db, Mar 10, 2019.

  1. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    I don't know, but you're mistaken if you think that the link makes a difference. For many years, we couldn't embed videos. Back when Mongo banned videos, it was all links.
  2. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    Now I'm confused, how am I supposed post relevant information like that without linking to another website? There's literally links all over the place here, what seperates a link to one website/ video from another?
  3. Chris

    Chris Keepin' it old school

  4. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Depends on what Mongo is doing at the time. :D
    Or you could play it safe and post your videos in the YouTube thread.
  5. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    Well you are the one that left a grey area in the rule for videos that are reasonable and relevant, and it's not like I was trying to post a video, simply a link to a website. Kind of detracts from the conversation if you have to tell someone to go look in another thread for the answer to their question.
  6. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    You're still here, aren't you? So your issue is not with me.
  7. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    I never said it was with you, my issue is with the coding in the BBS that embeds videos from links without using the embed function. I can't edit the post to see what coding it auto populated but it shouldn't have been [embed] if the BBS interface has a separate button for embed, perhaps it populates as a [media]
  8. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    Figured it out, it should have showed up like this so it's just a text comment and just like a link to any other website.

    Explanation of why Boeing didn't scrap the 737:
  9. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Yeah, and what I said earlier is that this isn't any safer. This is how people used to post videos before the software allowed embedding them. Take a look at the early pages of the YouTube thread.
  10. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    Well shit. So I'm back to my question of how to disseminate relevant information in a not bullshit thread.
  11. bored&stroked

    bored&stroked Disclaimer: Can't spell

    Its a motorcycle racing forum. Boeings are not relevant regardless of our conversations otherwise.
  12. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    Want to show people a video on the beeb?

    1. Place video in YouTube thread.
    2. Tell people in other thread "I just posted x video in the YouTube thread.
    3. Sit back and watch the magic happen.
    SteveThompson and Banditracer like this.
  13. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    I just put some video's in the Youtube thread. They have nothing to do with Boeing or 737's though.

    Now I'm waiting for the magic to happen. :D
  14. Jed

    Jed mellifluous

    It may take a few years but it'll happen!
    Banditracer likes this.
  15. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    Well from a technical side, I found the youtube thread and looked at the early posts. The HTML code back then looked at anything with a web address as an external linkable code and posted it as such. On November 13th, 2015 the BBS software started recognizing media embedded in the linked websites and created a direct embedded <iframe> in the HTML code. So it's not how people posted the videos before vs. now, It's how the software on someone's end changed to automatically embed media from an external link. So if there's no problem with linking to a website then inserting it like a link how I did is easy enough with the click of a button already on the BBS dashboard.

    So I guess it depends if mongo is comfortable seeing a link to a video like we already link to a picture or written story.
  16. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    I had to search for it, is it not already stickied to one of the forums, I didn't see it.

    I kind of thought about the route of posting in the youtube thread, but I didn't see a difference of posting in the youtube thread, then post a link to the youtube thread post in here any different than linking directly to the youtube video. Linking to the video directly without embedding it get the person to the relevant info in one click. Posting in the youtube thread, then posting here with a link or mention to check another thread seems to add more posts and server usage on the BBS than necessary.

    I totally get the point of the youtube thread, but double posting on the BBS seems counterintuitive than just posting an external link that doesn't show video. Yea I fucked it up the first time but I didn't realize the software would automatically convert a link to embedded media, now that I do it's as simple as clicking the "link" button on the BBS dashborad.
  17. ChemGuy

    ChemGuy Harden The F%@# Up!

    Pfft. Being worried about posting videos is lame. You're only worried about a pasty french guy and a midget who needs a booster chair to reach the keyboard.

    Just post those links and then go "NOW WHAT! Do Something!!" like I do.

    It helps to have "beeb status"...kinda like airline status...but worth more in real life. Cause chicks dig guys with large beeb post counts.

    badmoon692008 likes this.
  18. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    Sent you the link of a video, go ahead and embed it here for me please.
  19. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Not saying I want you banned, but I got banned for that 2 weeks ago :)
  20. Trunxgp1224

    Trunxgp1224 Well-Known Member

    For posting a link or an embedded video?

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