Need some cat advice

Discussion in 'General' started by motion, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. motion

    motion Nihilistic Member

    We have a female Persian, 19 years old. She hasn't been doing so well for the past month or so. Not eating, losing weight, won't poop or pee like she used to.

    Last night, it appears that she suffered a stroke. She's in good spirits, doesn't seem to be in any pain, has some appetite, but she can't walk. Her right legs are both non-op. Its been about 20 hours. I was hoping for a gradual improvement, but nothing has changed. She can't do anything on her own and gets tangled up with her legs.

    I don't have any pet experience prior to this cat. Didn't grow up with them. My wife is going to be devastated about losing her, although we both know its going to happen one of these days.

    For those of you that have been through this, what did you do? We can't really stomach the thought of putting her down when she's not in pain, but basically her quality of life is now gone and she requires round the clock watching. I'm still hoping for some recovery, however, since there hasn't been any improvement since it happened, I am growing more doubtful. Can paralysis diminish with more time?
  2. RossK6

    RossK6 Grid Filler

    No help on the cats prognosis, but if the cat can’t cat...
  3. RonR

    RonR Well-Known Member

    Been through a similar deal with my dog. It doesn’t matter how we handled it or anyone else for that matter. The only right answer is to do what you feel is best. Take care.
  4. BC

    BC Well-Known Member

    I can't tell you how to handle your situation but I can share with you the biggest single regret in my life. I let my best friend hang on way too long because I was afraid and selfish. Quality of life isn't just about being pain free.
    turbulence, drop, Falcondrvr and 7 others like this.
  5. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I got no advice on what to do. I lost three (all were well over 16) in ~ a year including the slim jim stealing little bastard face. It doesn't get easier.

    I'd wait and see what happens I guess. Sorry man.
  6. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    My female cat of 17 was slowly declining but still functioning somewhat well but clearly was not herself etc. I was getting ready to fly out so I decided for the first time ever to board her. So the boarding place is also a cat vet clinic. I took her in on the way to the airport and the vet checked her over and came back to me and said, “ this cat is just waiting around to die”. She said they could do test etc etc but basically it was her time and asked what I wanted to do. It was hard but I held her in my arms while the vet euthanized her. Sad but she had a good life. I couldn’t see her suffer any longer.
    sharkattack and lazlo like this.
  7. condon66

    condon66 Member well known

    When they are losing weight, won't poop or pee, and won't eat, and 19 years old, I'm sorry but the poor things body is failing and it's not a battle you can win. My mom has had a cat in the house as long as I can remember and I've seen them succumb to age. It goes exactly as you described yours. And the fact that it has no right side movement....well, you know. My advice would be to take her to a vet and get an opinion with some professional experience so you can be comfortable with your decision on what to do, but to be honest with you, as I would think that's what you want, I think your little friend has reached it's moment. Sorry man. When I was a kid we got a siamese and it lived to 19. I grew through my entire childhood with that cat around. It sucks, I know.
  8. AFC

    AFC Well-Known Member

    Our 25 y/o cat had a similar course. Losing wt, eating less. With stress from a trip, she stopped moving her back legs. We took her to some vets & they treated her for a urinary tract infection & gave her fluids.

    A specialist wanted a 5k MRI to look for a tumor (we didn't do it) After a few weeks she recovered & was walking again. We put her in an animal cart that supports the back legs & would carry her to the litter box a few times a day, until she finally started crawling then walking on 3, then 4 legs.

    My guess is with the loss of muscle & their long spine she lost some support, causing some nerve compression. She recovered, after dragging her legs. Pretty remarkable. Not easy taking care of her the first couple of weeks.

    We weren't going to put her down unless she was in pain or it looked like she had no joy.

    With the two right legs, maybe similar or something different. I hope things improve.
    Ours definitely perked up with some iv fluids when it initially occurred.
  9. Jedb

    Jedb Professional Novice :-)

  10. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

  11. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    Sometimes it is about quality of life over quantity of life. There is no right or wrong there is only the choice you may have to make but not want to.
  12. motoboy

    motoboy Well-Known Member

    Sounds like mine when he went into liver failure. But he was miserable, though, so only one course we could take. Unfortunately, on the way home from the vet NPR played Barber's Adagio for Strings. That was sincerely bad timing. Hope all works out for you all.
  13. skidooboy

    skidooboy supermotojunkie

    get the cat checked out, get an honest opinion. hanging on to them too long, is almost as bad as not giving them the benefit of the doubt. it is just selfish for us to want to keep them longer when their quality of life is low. good luck in your choice. Ski
  14. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    One other thing to keep in mind is that cats by nature don't show their pain and suffering. They hide it. It's in their DNA. So although a cat may appear not to be in pain of their not functioning properly I would bet they are. Quality over quantity.
  15. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    This. We had similar experiences with two of our cats. I think it's actually easier to have the vet "tell" you what to do as that is doing what's best for them.

    As several have said - it hurts and that plain ole sucks.

    Good luck.
  16. pfhenry

    pfhenry Well-Known Member

    we are dealing with this right now... my moms orange, half persian cat...
    she is the crazy cat lady... she takes the cat to the vet every other day... kidney failure.
    special diet.. iv's every other visit. she used to be 13lbs now she is around 8lbs...
    i keep telling her there is a reason she is hiding in the closet allllll the time..she is slowly dying...
    i wish that wasn't the case but i have to keep reminding her what dogs do when its time.
    my cat slips her rear feet sitting down too
  17. Spang308

    Spang308 Well-Known Member

    This. Cats are tough as nails. I had one that suffered kidney failure and I never knew she was sick until the night before she died. Vet said she was sick for awhile and her blood toxins were off the charts. 19 is old too. Anything past 16 is borrowed time.
    Sorry for your situation. I love animals. Cats especially.
  18. Sabre699

    Sabre699 Wait...hold my beer.

    Get to the vet pronto!
    Shenanigans and Falcondrvr like this.
  19. pfhenry

    pfhenry Well-Known Member

    da prehh kitten
    did i mention pill grinders for food,at home needle shots, and 6cc's of oral shots?
  20. #1StreetRacer

    #1StreetRacer Active Member



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