2019 Schedule

Discussion in 'Announcements/Information' started by Mongo, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Ah okay, wasn't sure if you saw the other date somewhere.
  2. 83BSA

    83BSA Well-Known Member

    Nope, just guessing on potential dates based upon historical events.

    Thank you.


  3. ApeMummy

    ApeMummy Member

    rcarson15 likes this.
  4. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Well, you have VMD. Pitt Race will be with N2 again June 14-16.... :D
  5. jschuster2

    jschuster2 Well-Known Member

    Nelson Ledges?
  6. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Yep, two so far, possible third, working out details. Also have one firm date for Grattan.
    021torch and jschuster2 like this.
  7. ApeMummy

    ApeMummy Member

    :beer: Nelson!:timeforabeer:
  8. uswjmc22

    uswjmc22 Obfusc8

    Lest I misinterpret: 2 Nelson dates with a possible third?
  9. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

  10. uswjmc22

    uswjmc22 Obfusc8

    Thanks for the early intel.
    Now I need to find a black market unlocked long bone stim so I can actually ride in 2019.
  11. yokohama1

    yokohama1 Well-Known Member

    Talk about a serious bummer. Isn’t this one of WERA’s bigger events in the SE? Endurance round here too? Is this a VIR thing or WERA not interested?
  12. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    Vir thing from what was said.
  13. JJJerry

    JJJerry Well-Known Member

    Any other intel you can share on the N2/WERA endurance stuff?
  14. yokohama1

    yokohama1 Well-Known Member

    Was this discussed somewhere here what happened and I missed it? Seems like the other amateur org will still be there. I know I said it before but this really is a disappointment.
  15. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    it was mentioned that vir gave away what had been the wera weekend in the first part of August.
  16. ar556

    ar556 Active Member

    Can you divulge the firm dates for Nelson/Grattan?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. yokohama1

    yokohama1 Well-Known Member

    Is there a chance that another date can be scheduled? I guess I always thought, short of a track repave, WERA would be racing the first weekend of August at VIR.
  18. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    On VIR - they got the SCCA runoffs this year, so they gave our date to SCCA or someone for the car peeps to have a date to get track time prior to what is a huge event for them. They have no other dates currently but will keep us in mind if something opens up.

    On NC dates, I'll post them in a bit.
  19. rcarson15

    rcarson15 Well-Known Member

    Pittsburgh will at least be on June 15-16th
  20. mpusch

    mpusch Well-Known Member


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