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OK, so what did Chris Carr say????

Discussion in 'General' started by backbone, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    I'm going with the "and more" is what they are worried about....
  2. Lazy Destroyer

    Lazy Destroyer Well-Known Member

    Mainly just one.
  3. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    I was expecting something racially-charged or sexist......pfffft, this is nothing.
  4. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    I thought this kind of talk and language was mandatory while at the race track. LOL
    MachineR1 likes this.
  5. Metalhead

    Metalhead Dong pilot

    That's it? Pff. Come down to the LW pits if you want to hear real swearing.
    Waterboy, JJJerry and cha0s#242 like this.
  6. Steeltoe

    Steeltoe What's my move?

    Since there's no minorities or females on the grid kinda eliminates that lol. Unless Shayna was racing.

  7. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    If this was it, people need to get back into racing more and less I to the Kardashians. This was pitiful to have 7 pages of breath holding drama to only hear this was said. I want my 10 minutes back
  8. stk0308

    stk0308 Well-Known Member

    Cameron Smith is black. But, he, and Shayna, are in the singles class this year.
  9. L8 Braker

    L8 Braker 'Murica

    Because Snowflakes and/or professional victims.

    They hear something basic like that and go straight into “triggered” mode. Complaining. Crying. Going to their safe place. “Forced” to take a mental health day.
    Wingnut likes this.
  10. studio819

    studio819 Well-Known Member

    And this is what I was getting at and hate seeing. My 11 year old son has to deal with it in school, he knows he just had a tough day and is willing to accept it as that but he keeps being told to think of his mental health and that he doesn't need to be brave all the time. He can't stand it. There are parents on his hockey team that also think and act this way....it's hockey, you get hit.
  11. grasshopper

    grasshopper Well-Known Member

    I will do everything in my power as a father to ensure my children are not pussified by this attitude and mind set
    5axis likes this.
  12. Mot Okstef

    Mot Okstef Scrolling all day long on RRW.com

    Crisis Actors. ;)
  13. JJJerry

    JJJerry Well-Known Member

    I've heard worse than that at Grattan when @KCFirebolt left the mic on :D
    5axis and renegade17 like this.
  14. Past Glory

    Past Glory I still have several AVON calendars from the 90's

    I have a completely different view of the portion that was released. Mr. Carr is NOT a racer anymore, he is an official for the series and has been caught in a display of utter contempt for the participants of that series. That casts a shadow over any ruling that he may make or has made. Imagine an NFL, NBA, or MLB official making such a venomous, disparaging comment about the players. Trust and impartiality is completely blown over what has come to light and, according to 'Robby-Bobby', it would seem we have been given just a taste of the nastiness.
    If this were a current racer making comments about their contemporaries, I'd see the dismissal that has been shown, but this is a high ranking official of the series going on a demeaning diatribe against the entire field of people who comprise "The Show".
    Mr. Carr should have been fired on the spot.
    Scotty87, JBall and stk0308 like this.
  15. jim weaver

    jim weaver Well-Known Member

    bull S**T, HARDEN THE F**K UP. its life, people are assholes by nature every one even the nancyboys and snowflakes.
  16. Motofun352

    Motofun352 Well-Known Member

    Hell, there's even a TV show with the same plot....
  17. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Guys, again, the main issue isn’t what he said about the riders or them being “fucking idiots”

    Michael Lock has thick skin (obviously) and profanity is not the issue.

    If y’all want to make assumption in what a fan is saying then go ahead. Gina is a friend of mine and we’ve actually worked a race together. She didn’t hear or see the worst of it apparently.

    No it wasn’t racial or sexist either.

    Think big picture. What is extremely important to hosting these events and races.....

    Follow the $$$
    Shenanigans likes this.
  18. R Acree

    R Acree Banned

    So did he insult the sponsor or the organizer?
  19. gapman789

    gapman789 Well-Known Member

    I didn't realize so many racers were 'snowflakes'.

    Aren't we supposed to be Type A personalities....... Mean, aggressive, stubborn, arrogant, selfsh, proud sob's?
    Metalhead likes this.
  20. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

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