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I Hate Kershaw

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by Hate McDead, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. Outsider V6 V7

    Outsider V6 V7 Well-Known Member

    I have returned from the far East and thanks to Traditional Chinese medicine I am once again ten feet tall and bullet proof. Ha ha, ok I lied I'm only 5' 10". Hands, elbow, forearm, healed but tire mark on tricep still visible and ankle finally working properly. Didn't know I had an injured ankle till I pulled off the interstate in Greenville and screamed when I pushed the clutch of the big Dodge. Proceeded to swell for the next day so much that I couldn't get my new shoes on. I noticed when I stood up it was like grinding bones together and the pain got my attention. Continuing to walk an additional 10 steps seemed to grind the pain away and once the swelling was at maximum capacity the pain was gone. I invited friends over to help unload my bikes while I hobbled like a peg legged sailor on a frozen lake. In true racer fashion, after realizing my ankle probably needed to be x-rayed or at a minimum the bones put back to previous locations I did what we all would do. That's right I drove 1,154 miles round trip to pick up a 92 ZX7 I'd been searching for over the last 5 years. Now it's Wednesday and ankle is about as big as it can get, toes are black and I have a flight to catch to China Thursday morning. Survived the 17 hour flight and 13 days in China. Ankle is almost back to normal size and kids and adults aren't puking when I show it to them. So today I ordered a new helmet and everything required to put my bike back together. Stu, glad you are feeling better and have found your sense of humor. Dave keep training as we need all the advantages we can get to compete with Harry's 100HP gpz.
    terminus est likes this.
  2. Hate McDead

    Hate McDead Well-Known Member

    Eboz. I agree with you medical approach to injuries. For myself, why get x-rays locally when there's a place at home - abeit only 1,000 away and 2 days away. And I'm also starting to look at new helmets, gloves and boots. There's a track day that our buddy, Kevin, at Ducati Detroit is putting on in Mid May that I'm hoping to test the knee at. Hopefully it's back to the races in the beginning of June.
    Do you have any photos to share? I was thinking of watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre but your black toes might just qualify for my periodic horror quotient.
    I had a simular situation with the clutch after leaving a WERA race at Putnam Park. I discovered that I could jam the gears except for the starts and stops. That was big at the moment. And you'd be surprised how high up a Sprinter seat is when exiting to gas up after sitting for 4 or 5 hours.
    You know you can't have enough fun at this road racing game so we can't let a few minor dings stop us.

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