Florida School Shooting Thread

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by sharkattack, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. sharkattack

    sharkattack Rescued pets over people. All day, every day

    What do we know so far? I heard 14 victims, not sure how many were fatalities. The shooter has been identified as a former student. What do we know about him?
  2. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    It seems like in the last few school shootings, the shooter has been arrested. That's new. These guys used to save the last bullet for themselves.
  3. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    It disgusts me that people are already exploiting this to push gun control. We literally know nothing. We don't know what gun he used, were they legally purchased, should he have even been allowed to own a gun, etc... Not saying that maybe a couple days from now that those aren't conversations that can be had but not now.
  4. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    That's surprising to me as well. I want to know more but know it's pointless to watch all the conjecture and speculation that the 'news' will be until the facts actually come out.
  5. sheepofblue

    sheepofblue Well-Known Member

    I will wait a day to avoid half truth and wild speculation by the 'news'

    RIP to any victims and hoping for a fast recovery to anyone injured.
  6. Clay

    Clay Well-Known Member

    I also wish we could get a solid agreement among all news outlets that NOTHING will be published about who did it. Never let them get their 15 mins of fame.
  7. sharkattack

    sharkattack Rescued pets over people. All day, every day

    That reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw the other day. It said: "If I don't have to give up MY car when OTHERS drive drunk, why do Liberals want to take MY guns when SOMEONE ELSE commits a crime?
  8. Chino52405

    Chino52405 Well-Known Member

    I really have no desire for rabid gun restrictions, but the "too soon" argument is pointless since these are almost weekly happenings now.
  9. Venom51

    Venom51 John Deere Equipment Expert - Not really

    We know he's a dumb shit that needs to be removed from the planet.
    sheepofblue and sharkattack like this.
  10. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    And there's no one solution to each incident except for total bans.
  11. ton

    ton Arf!

    interesting that an apparent conservative would make the liberal argument for them. without realizing it.
    sharkattack likes this.
  12. CausticYarn

    CausticYarn Well-Known Member

    There is a live thread on Reddit. Reports of at least 15 dead.
  13. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    Last word appears to be 17. Based on early reports, this guy displayed all kinds of warning signs.
  14. Woofentino Pugr

    Woofentino Pugr Well-Known Member

    Yep. Also gonna go with he was on prescription mental drugs also like most the rest of these mass shootings.
  15. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking The Iron Price

    You said it.
  16. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    This is f*@king awful!
  17. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    The efforts to totally ban all firearms in the US would never be physically possible or it would take decades or longer to achieve. If the laws changed to allow confiscation it would only cover the firearms that have been sold since sales records started being kept via computer and the total number of guns sold before that is immense thus they would be nearly impossible to be located by the Government. The only way to confiscate those weapons would be when they are used in a crime so the police could collect them at that time.
    I don't believe that we'll ever solve the insanity issue that causes individuals to commit these killings. To end it, or even to slow it down, I think we'll have to enlarge the numbers of armed security to a huge extent. Wall to wall armed security in every public event center such as schools, theaters, etc. in the country is what will affect it. Cost would be astronomical and it will never fly. The wild west has returned. Arm everyone. :)
    My opinion of course.
    rd400racer likes this.
  18. EngineNoO9

    EngineNoO9 Well-Known Member

    I'm with you on better security at schools. This kid apparently had been expelled and wasn't allowed on campus with a backpack... Well, that's fine and good but how do you enforce that without security in the building? Plus entrances and exits from most schools are terrible as there are far to many unless controls are in place.

    Now places like colleges are nearly impossible due to the large number of buildings. Not sure what the best answer is there other than continued regulation that allows lawful conceal carry by those with permits as well as the standard campus security.

    Sounds to me like he shouldn't have been able to own a gun but depending on what his past was there's likely nothing that could've been done to stop him from purchasing one either.
  19. eggfooyoung

    eggfooyoung You no eat more!

    Totally weird, but I hadn't heard a thing about this until now, yet I found myself thinking about Sandy Hook today.

    I just don't have words.
  20. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    Guns are just the tool, not the problem. Killing as a solution is a problem. Half of the most popular video games are first person shooters. Same goes for film.

    We coddle these kids, repress what makes them boys, drug them, and then all of the sudden they’re 18 and have no way to deal with what they’re feeling.

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