Buyer beware: Clarence Randall!

Discussion in 'General' started by obcbr, May 27, 2017.

  1. Ducti89

    Ducti89 Ticketing Melka’s dirtbike.....

    Maybe he'll get a third party to argue his cause like mine did.
  2. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    I believe the buyer is going to take legal action here soon, hopefully at least. I would hope this resolves the issue.
    JRider600RR likes this.
  3. Ducti89

    Ducti89 Ticketing Melka’s dirtbike.....

    Curious to see the outcome.
  4. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    Clarence messaged the buyer saying it's not his fault for: 1) I, the delivery boy, signed a BOS saying I'm delivering said bike; therefore, nothing is his fault. 2) Robby doesn't know what he's talking about. Only Dink, the owner of said shop, knows about the bike. And, 3) the bike has only been ridden for 1.5 hours in 2 years since the build. Also, the rain we had at Tally in March, when it was picked up, messed up the engine because it somehow made its way to the internals of the engine through a flat exhaust pipe and up 10" of vertical pipe. Yeah, that's what caused it.
    JRider600RR likes this.
  5. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    lol it's funny he ALWAYS says "ask Dink" who's my dad.

    He knows damn good and well my dad didn't touch the bike and truth be told, my dad had told me on multiple occasions to NOT work on Clarence's bikes. But I always fell into the guilt trip.

    My dad to this day refuses to allow Clarence in the shop. Asking my dad anything about clarence would be silly unless you just wanted to piss him off!
    JRider600RR, Gorilla George and obcbr like this.
  6. Robby-Bobby

    Robby-Bobby Steeltoe’s Daddy

    Only 1.5 hours? lol I can think of at least 5 race events where Patrick Buell rode it.

    Clarence has raced it at least 5 times with wera

    I raced the bike myself at 2 flat track events.

    Jason lorge rode it at a flat track event

    Hell clarence took the bike and raced savannah 1/2 mile On it.

    These aren't counting the practices at my dirt track as well as multiple track days.
    JRider600RR, Gorilla George and obcbr like this.
  7. BHP41

    BHP41 Calling out B.A.N. everyday

    Even if you are dethroned(judging by the 6 pages your title is probably safe) you can take solace in the fact that you'll always be the OG HP. :D
    BigBird, Ducti89 and Gorilla George like this.
  8. He can't be serious with that bullshit.
  9. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    Awesome. Whenever I obtain a POS bike that needs some craptastic repair job, I'll know just the shop to take it to. Sweeeeeeet.
  10. Maybe he was so slow it was only 1.5 hours?
  11. About as serious as you are about symmetry.
    Gorilla George likes this.
  12. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    I'd actually be curious to hear how the law views the various stages of the transaction in this arrangement.
  13. Razors Edge

    Razors Edge Banned

    Jonathon contacted me regarding the the KTM I was selling. We communicated through messenger and on the phone several times. I believe Jonathon was in part interested in trying to wire the bike for the streets. I told him that the bike was built for racing and not the streets but it was his call. We made arrangements for Garret O'Brien his advocate/friend to pick the bike up at Tally. Garret looked over the bike and signed the papers and left with the bike.
    This was on Apr 21 I believe. I've talked with Jonathon on several occasions after and never knew there was a problem to this magnitude till Rob started blowing up my phone this morning saying there was a thread on the WERA forum on how "I" ripped some guy off.
    Jonathon purchased the bike "AS IS" on Apr 21. I get a message from him on May the 27th saying he wants me to buy it back. The buyer has had the bike for over a month before saying that he was unhappy.
    Garret, who said in his original post that he was trying to get Jonathon into WERA racing and thus the reason for the KTM purchase makes me take note. Jonathon never mentioned WERA racing . In fact the opposite. He wanted to make the KTM a street bike. It also would be note worthy to mention when Garret took possession of Jonathon's KTM he pushed it up to the back of his trailer, leaned it up against it and there it sat all weekend during the rain storm with no exhaust plug. The exhaust had an upward angle and I was sure water got into the exhaust. I informed Jonathon of the situation .
    The builder of the bike is Rob Mclendon (Rob ). Rob McLendon Sr (Dink) is the owner of D&D Cycles. Rob is the son and employee (not owner in any capacity ). Rob ( the builder ) has made several false statements regarding the build including but not limited to fake text and where parts were purchased.
    I have the greatest respect for Dink the owner of D&D Cycles and have a good working relationship with him so I'm going to limit any remarks regarding the build till his father has been fully informed of this situation. But I will say this. I have every copy of the original work orders for the KTM. Not once is it mentioned that the cases were bad. Not once was it brought to my attention. There's NO WAY I would of dropped so much money into a build knowing the cases were bad and in need of replacement. And what builder would build a engine with bad cases ???

    I will say this in my defense. The last time the KTM was in the shop it had the cases split and a new crank installed. No where on my work ticked is it mentioned something was wrong with the cases. I sat down with the owner in Robs presence and ask if the bike was in good condition for sale and both said yes. After that point the KTM has had about 1 1/2 hrs on it. The buyer was told the full history of the motorcycle over the phone before the purchase. He was also made aware of a NO WARRANTY that Garret should do a thorough check and test ride before sale. He has mentioned weeks after the sale that he was happy with the bike.

    Jonathon ask if I had any of the work orders for the KTM and I told him to contact Chip the service manager and he would send him all the copies. I then contacted Chip and he said he would have no problem doing that. Then suddenly there was a problem getting the shop to send over the work orders. At that point Rob started sending Jonathon a barrage of text messages stating several false allegation's regarding the KTM. I again directed Jonothon to Dink the owner. It took us almost two weeks to get them to send Jonathon the information. Jonathon said Rob finely sent the information. I ask him for copies of what was sent over so I could compare them to my original copies . I told him to contact Dink and not Rob in the future if he had any problems.

    Despite all the allegations Rob is making on this thread he hasn't provided one ounce of evidence to back it up. I have every work order. Why hasn't Rob posted a work order with a side note stating the cases were bad. I don't know of any builder that would build an engine from top to bottom with bad cases let alone not note it on the contract . "IF' there is something wrong with the engine I feel its 100% the builders responsibility to stand good if its a mechanic error. If Rob cant produce a valid copy of a work order stating he forewarned me the cases were bad then he should stand responsible.
    I have every copy standing by to match to any work order you post. I'll be waiting !

    Rob. I've actually stood by your father when he ask you to STOP with all the online posting and drama. I think his actual words were quote- I've ask Rob over and over to stop posting anything regarding D&D Cycles. -end quote. That was when you made the remark that he was taking my side and you were going to kick my 58 year old ass. Your father has made it clear he owns D&D. Not you. That man has worked relentlessly to build his reputation. I have the greatest respect for Dink and his accomplishment and treasure our working relationship. And YES I'm in good standing with your father. He's ask me to come directly to him for now on. The least you could do is respect that and keep your mouth shut. Texting Jonothon and telling him all the parts came from e-bay and it had bad cases and he should take me to court is inexcusable behavior. Your father is going to hit the roof when he finds out what you've done. I truly feel for Jonothon for the crap you've dragged him into because of your hatred of me. You fed him so many lies ! And I'm seriously considering taking you to court for not telling me the cases were bad. I spent a small fortune on that engine. I'll get with your father on that matter.
    vizsladog and VFR#52 like this.
  14. Banditracer

    Banditracer Dogs - because people suck

    :Pop: Looks like we have ignition....:crackup:
    rcarson15, j cal, GixxerBlade and 9 others like this.
  15. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    And after a flying leap off the line followed by missed shifts and a question as to weather or not there was enough gas in the tank to complete a lap, ignition has been re-found and we're firing on all four cylinders!
    slowzx6 and VFR#52 like this.
  16. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    I'm no civil attorney, but I know criminal law fairly well. No way whatsoever will me TRANSPORTING a bike hold me liable to the internals of the bike and it's reliability.
    JRider600RR and Gorilla George like this.
  17. Funkm05

    Funkm05 Dork

    Here we go.
  18. obcbr

    obcbr Well-Known Member

    People somehow believe that reasonableness is lost if they say "Oh well it can't be me because he touched it last."
  19. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    By putting your signature on a BOS though, that's the detail that I'm curious about. Is a note on a BOS stating your just a transporter actually mean anything legally, or does it provide you any cover in the impending he-said / she-said shitstorm?
  20. caferace

    caferace No.



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