06/07 gsxr tune/secondary issue

Discussion in 'Tech' started by mineshaved, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. mineshaved

    mineshaved product of my enviroment

    I bought a 06/07 gsxr 600. The issue I experienced was under full throttle shifting from 4th to 5th the bike would bog down. Bike has a pc3 and quick shifter. So no need to back off the throttle. I was told it's because the secondary butterflies are removed. A friend mentioned it might be a tune issue. Any one have experience with this?
  2. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    Shift kill time for that shift?

    Removing secondaries makes a better number on the dyno, but putting them back in makes for better acceleration and a better lap time.
  3. mineshaved

    mineshaved product of my enviroment

    Looks like originally rnr had it set to 50 then it was changed to 65.
  4. mineshaved

    mineshaved product of my enviroment

    Oh ok, I don't have the secondaries butterflies, looks like the only thing missing is the 4 butterflies. I didn't do this mod so I'm not 100% on what typically is removed. No FI lights..
  5. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    I just lost the plot.
  6. mineshaved

    mineshaved product of my enviroment

  7. dsmitty37

    dsmitty37 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like someone completely took the butterflies out of the secondaries
  8. mineshaved

    mineshaved product of my enviroment

    It looks like the 4 round discs/butterflies is what's missing.
  9. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    They are called " Secondary Butterflies" The set directly below the air box, the top set in the injector bodies.
  10. mineshaved

    mineshaved product of my enviroment

    Yes, that's what I thought. Not sure how I lost rm racing.. I guess no one knows or has experienced this.
  11. iomTT

    iomTT Well-Known Member

    Your terminology dude, hence I stated what they are "officially" called to get you and others on track. RM Racing is one of the most sharpest help full dudes on here. My spelling and grammar is total crap, but I have noted, since taking the time to word things correctly, and using spell check, I get a lot more help from many people on here, maybe worth a shot for you also Bro.

    So, if you can get a set of Secondary Butterflies, re fit them, and adjust quick shifter kill time, and this will fix your problem, if you cannot get or cannot be bothered getting a set of them, just work away on QS kill time, plug your lap top in and adjust, go test ride, and repeat until you the pilot is happy, simple as.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  12. RM Racing

    RM Racing Tool user

    You lost me because your sentences and descriptions didn't make sense to me. I also said in my first reply that you should replace those butterflies (round plates) if you are going to roadrace the thing. Fix big problems first, don't ignore them looking for an easy solution to your issue. (very common on this forum) Lots of times the smaller problems, like the shift bog issue, will then be fixed as well.
  13. mineshaved

    mineshaved product of my enviroment

    Thanks for the replies. Sorry for the confusion. I figured you still got the point of what I was trying to say. I'll check into these issues. I bought the bike this way and just trying to sort it out.
  14. opinion914

    opinion914 Well-Known Member

    I've had an occasional post-shift bog as well on my PCv-QES-QS equipped '06 750. I ALWAYS get a CEL when quickshifting near redline. I was running 60ms kill time. DynoJet says no CEL's should be happening and to try a shorter killtime. I've lowered the killtime to 50ms. I don't foresee a chance in the near future to try this out at the track, perhaps some dyno time is in order. It's not something I'm overly concerned with for now, but I'll be addressing it before next season. You're not alone w/ this issue.
  15. mineshaved

    mineshaved product of my enviroment

    Thank you, I'm taking it to a shop to run on a dyno Nov 7th. I'll see what happens.

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