Ragnar Relay Tennessee

Discussion in 'General' started by crepitus, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. crepitus

    crepitus I gots nuthin

  2. pscook

    pscook Well-Known Member

    I did RAGNAR Norhtwest in July, lots of fun. Are you van 1 or van 2? Van 1 gets the daylight shift (typically) whereas van 2 goes overnight.

    My experience: I assume you know your eating and "waste" schedule. On our course there were no (zero, nada, zip) porta potties on course, except at the transfer points. Make sure to use the porta at least 10 minutes before your leg so you don't keep the incoming runner waiting. Saw that happen at almost every transfer.

    If you are driving the van (or have influence on the driver), don't stop to cheer the runner if the stint is less than four miles. We almost missed a transfer due to poor timing and a long potty line. If the run is four or less miles, go straight to the transfer. Anything over four miles stop no more than twice, unless the runner needs support (water, gels, etc).

    Pack a running outfit for each stint, plus one extra. Your clothes will not dry out in the six hours between stints. On that note, bring two plastic bags for every person so they can dispose of their icky sweaty running clothes. The funk will grow and grow in the van.

    Have a cooler with just ice and water in it to soak your feet/ankles. This was the best therapy for me as I had to pick up an extra stint to cover for an injured runner. My feet were starting to swell, and my ankle was giving me little notices here and there, soaking helped a bunch.

    Eat and drink lots. Water and healthy running food, that is. For me the best meal was Ihop, plus the charity pancake feed at the end of the van 1 stint. I loves me some flapjacks.

    Have fun! I really enjoyed my experience and can't wait to go out next year.
  3. crepitus

    crepitus I gots nuthin

    I'm only driving van #2 this time (knee surgery in Aug). My wife is running.

    That's good info. I wouldn't have thought about getting the van to the checkpoint early enough. I've read about the plastic bags for the funk factor. I can see the porta potties lines being long all the way thru.
  4. t11ravis

    t11ravis huge carbon footprint

    Turner and I are doing the Key West one in Feb.
    Please post up any tips after the race, we'll take all the help we can get!
  5. pscook

    pscook Well-Known Member

    This is the training that I used to get ready:

    Food is fuel, don't over-eat. Each run is no more than 9 miles, at longest, so training for a 10k is the best. My best training runs were running twice on Saturdays, with short early and long run, then next week long early and short later.

    Train wearing lights and reflective vest, regardless of time of day. If running over night, train running overnight. If early, train early. Don't over train, stretch the training out as much as possible to coincide with the race.

    On the vest note, get a proper running vest. Some of my team wore the construction vests and suffered. Get the right gear as you will continue to use it. Buy new shoes four weeks before the race to break them in properly. Just like a half or full marathon.

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