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well johnathan chadic? from barnacle bill

Discussion in 'General' started by barnacle bill, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Don't tell anyone but there is one. You just didn't get invited because of that "incident" with you, the donkey, all those cans of crisco and those 8 circus midgets that got hushed up.
  2. 100% businesses. And while I agree that you cannot turn your cheek your whole life there are some instances where you just need to swallow your pride and continue on.

    What about the guy about 6 months ago on here with the 180hp cbr bullshit arguing with people and telling them they're fucking stupid, etc etc. Where I also called him out and told him to watch what he says because there are PAYING CUSTOMERS reading what he's saying.

    Or how about when I walked into a local shop about 3 weeks ago and the owner of the shop is just running off at the mouth about how "fucking stupid and worthless" so and so was.

    I am brand new to motorcycle road racing. I have been around cars for years and was heavily involved in other things. But I have never in my life seen more people that are suppose to be root of what the sport is, sponsoring major people within the industry talking so much shit about other businesses and customers.

    I feel like I have a pretty unbiased perspective on what I'm talking about and it's tough to watch something keep spiraling down and while the ship is sinking everyone is just stabbing and cutting each others throats.
  3. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Well-Known Member

    I completely understand that line of thinking but when I end the conversation with " Bill, i'm just trying to make sure that in the future when I send things in I'm notified if a different color material will be used " and the response is "well I'm Xx years old and will be retiring soon" . Verbatim .

    Bill said, send me the suit back, I conveyed that wasn't necessary and that it wasn't a big deal , I'd send him some pics to show him the drastic difference in color and material and we'd move forward. I left the conversation thinking all was well and now I'm being run down by members including the OWNER of the site because I went directly to the business and handled the situation? Come on now.
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    GG, did you say you'd "ruin" Bill on the BBS?
  5. HPPT

    HPPT !!!

    Totally different situation. It wasn't a business owner bashing a customer over a transaction gone bad. It was an idiot getting into a fight he shouldn't have started. That could have been any idiot. It wasn't about a business transaction he was involved in, as far as I remember.
  6. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Well-Known Member

    Never. Nothing of the sort. He never refused to fix the issue, I told him it was so small I didn't even need it fixed, just wanted to let him know I wasn't happy with the way it was fixed and that in the future I'd like a call . There is no way that could be misunderstood.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
  7. Oh crap, that got out! One of those midgets is a greedy little widget.
  8. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    I understand shit can get heated in a conversation and stupid shit said especially when it comes to what you think you should get and what the merchant thinks you want.

    I'm just not into this whole thing (got customer issues to deal with right now). outside of the color being out of "spec" did you get what you wanted?

  9. valid point. i was only getting that people need to take a step back and see how they are being perceived. paying customers are reading what they're writing and do they think that people want to spend money with them when they're calling other people fucking stupid?

    or do you want to spend money with a shop owner that's calling another owner "fucking worthless"? no.

    instead of the industry working together to fix itself, it's every many for himself.
  10. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    Stop trying to settle this. We are not at 10 pages yet and there will be nothing left to do today if this fix it. STOP IT NOW. You S.O.B.:Poke::D
  11. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Ghost- One picture of the pretty girlfriend and all of these goobers will forget what this thread was even about.
  12. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    GG seems like a good dude, I know Bill is and this shit is just too petty.

    I don't know what was said and I really don't care. I would like to put a bullet in the head of this thread and move everything along to something important. Like f@ckin' with metalhead and my getting free shit.
  13. One small snippet of sanity and common sense to make my day..
  14. GrayGhost

    GrayGhost Well-Known Member

    Bill was never threatened, this is ridiculous. On top of that, it sends a terrible message to customers that if you call and discuss a problem you'll be run over on the web.

    Same with Sean, without a sliver of proof (because it never happened) comes into the thread and joins in by stating I'm a non racer when I'm on THIS site because I'd like to. I've done a few track days (yeah yeah I know) and 100% plan to to do some racing with WERA but as I've stated before things like this do not help. They won't stop me from going racing and having fun but damn, can we be a little nicer to customers /potential customers in this business?
  15. assjuice cyrus

    assjuice cyrus Well-Known Member

    I think I can get down with a bullet in this thread and am totally on board with f@cking with meat head head or whatever his name is. I tried to atleast get pics and that got shot down so nothing to see it here. F@ck it on to meat feet or whom ever.:beer:
  16. noles19

    noles19 Well-Known Member

    I think Dits can hook you up with free shit if you have a fort.. :D
  17. Rising

    Rising Well-Known Member

    Bill, I think this is where you come in and yell, "April Fools".
  18. crepitus

    crepitus I gots nuthin

  19. Spyderchick

    Spyderchick Leather Goddess

    Sigh. Here's the deal. BB called after he got off the phone with this guy. Said customer would not take an apology over the phone and said he would 'take it to the WERA board".

    Bill did a basic repair job. He shipped it back. The customer did not indicate he wanted the repaired area colored. Said customer called to complain he did not get he get something he didn't even indicate he wanted, nor had he paid extra for it, yet Bill should have read his mind.

    I guess because Bill's not a psychic, he's a bad vendor.

    Here's the deal, this job is hard. It's hard physically, mentally and emotionally. I retired for all of these reasons along with some family health issues with Roger's folks.

    Physically you have to throw around a 14 lb (on average) suit. You need to get it under the foot of the machine while wrestling to keep the bulk of it away from the moving parts, try not to sew through your finger or thumbs, all the while gripping and tugging to keep the repair/alteration in line. Then there's the removal and reinsertion of armor, turning something inside out and back again, etc, etc.

    Mentally you are running an entire business. This means phones ringing all day, emails need to answered, and social media is now in play. You have to work with tight schedules, people don't want to hear excuses or reasoning, they just want their stuff back and they want it yesterday.

    That brings me to the emotional investment involved in this biz. For me, my number one goal was happy customers. I was wrecked if I heard someone was unhappy. Bill is as well. No one wants a pissed off client. Then there's making ends meet. This industry as a whole has been devastated. The pie is much smaller, and it's not going to support much until it begins to grow again. I was anxious every month as to whether I'd be able to make enough for overhead and bills. Fortunately, Bill works out of his home base, so he doesn't have to worry about a landlord. (Unless you count Darethea).

    Every business has to wrestle with these issues. I know Bill cares. I know because he and I have bounced problems off each other for some time and we celebrate each other's successes, both professionally and personally.

    Think twice before you threaten to go to the internet with a grievance. It generally won't end well. Bill has been burned a couple of times with trying to do the right thing but the customer is not happy with his explanation. Every single time he has handled it pretty much the same way I would have.

    At Spyder, we did the following:
    *Repair is repair, it does not include color.
    *Color is separate and incurs an additional charge.
    *White is white, if you put a patch on a dirty white sleeve, it will stand out.
    *Special color cost money as you have to buy an entire hide. That blue patch might not match the blue on your suit.
    *Sometimes we would touch up a small scuff at no charge if we had a similar color already mixed. Do not assume we will do the same next time.
    *If you are not happy, tell us, we will attempt to make it right.

    Did we make everyone happy all the the time? No, and I would be lying if I told you different. However, after repairing, altering and lettering over 10,000 garments/suits in just over 17 years, our fail rate was pretty small. I know that Bill probably has as good of a reputation for taking care of his riders as I did. And...he builds a totally kickass old school suit! We're not perfect, but we try to be and we care.

    TL,DR: Bill is a stand up guy who can corner low, cuz I said so and I'm proud to call him my friend.

    That is all.
  20. dieterly

    dieterly Well-Known Member


    PM'd link to GF picture...

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