Dawn Holgate to become Mrs Freeland @ Tally 8/24

Discussion in 'General' started by Mikey Likes it, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Shenanigans

    Shenanigans in Mr.Rogers neighborhood

  2. Coyote1

    Coyote1 Well-Known Member

    This is great news. Congratulations to an awesome couple. You both are a tremendous asset to WERA and the racing community.
  3. Mechdziner714

    Mechdziner714 More Gas Less Brakes


    Congratulations you two, cant wait to see you guys at Tally. So whats the dress code, leather only?:rock:
  4. DBConz

    DBConz Registered Idiot

    congrats dawn
  5. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Yo you two! You are our brother and sister so we will be there with garters on!
    What can we do to help???
    When are you gonna get in? Hopefully we can get out of here after work on Friday.
    I'll add a Hebrew blessing just so you're covered on all fronts!:D
    Trying to get Amie and Michael to come as Amie plays a small role in this.
    Kathy and I love you both. So happy for you!
    Levi and Ori wish to say "woof, woof"

    And you need to take a celebration lap on your 250s instead of a first dance!!!
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2013
  6. pucksdown

    pucksdown WERA #9

    Congratulations you two kids! Who will ride who on the back of the bike?
  7. Phl218

    Phl218 .

  8. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    now THAT right there would be cool!:up::rock:
  9. zerosense

    zerosense Well-Known Member

    My turn! My turn!

    Thank you all for sharing in our happiness. Can't wait til Tally! It has been our second home, and we could think of no better place to start the next chapter in our lives - the best one! Just goes to show that sometimes, when you least expect it, something wonderful can happen in your life. Not only is Mike the love of my life, he is one of the best people I have ever met, one that makes me want to be a better person. I am so happy!
  10. tiggen

    tiggen Things are lookin' up.

    Congrats, Mike and Dawn! Wonderful news!
  11. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Hey Dawn if you do a 'first lap' we will all follow on our scooters and such and throw rice at you.

    And the rest of you, do we need to get the grills out and plan a bid ass cookout, beer fest Sat night? If the newly weds wanna party at the track, and hold off on the official consummation, we are there with our grill and such.
  12. zerosense

    zerosense Well-Known Member

    We had figured on a party at the track. Counting on it as a matter of fact! Lots of Yuengling - and maybe I'll even indulge in a drink or two myself. Details TBD. Just remember, everything in moderation - wouldn't want to ruin anyone's Sunday races!
  13. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    you and Mikey aren't racing. Sooooooo......:D:D

    Dawn, we are getting the cake so that is handled!
  14. rwood64083

    rwood64083 Gifted as in 'DUHHHH'

    Is this gonna be in the evening after the racing, I can only assume?

    Can you give us a breakdown of the event.

    I have an idea :D
  15. zerosense

    zerosense Well-Known Member

    I am sure Mike and I will be celebrating! But a bunch of friends will be racing/cornerworking and we want them to have a great day on Sunday as well. :D

    Cake??? YUM!
  16. zerosense

    zerosense Well-Known Member

    Basically, we intend to enjoy the racing on Saturday, have a short ceremony sometime after, spend time with our friends and family. That's as far as we've gotten with planning. Love to hear your idea. Give us a call and share.
  17. zerosense

    zerosense Well-Known Member

  18. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Freakin' awesometudeness!!!! :up:
  19. kanatuna

    kanatuna You can't polish a turd..

    Awesome!!!! Congrats to a couple of great people:clap:
  20. mmfoor

    mmfoor Team Stupid!

    Got the cake, bringing the twins, and I have packed my formal boxers!

    Can't wait!!! Be at the track early afternoon.:beer::beer::beer:

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