Obama's Daughters' School Has 11 Armed Guards

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Tinfoil hat charly, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Redbird, thanks for the pic. Notice how the .22's diameter is nearly the same as the .223. The .223 has a larger cartridge and longer and heavier round to kill down range, like 500+ meters down range on a point target, depending on the quality of the AR15. We are talking about a maniac at very close range. The .22 is going to have less stoping power, sure, but you are also going to have 15-20 rounds to shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger without worrying about much recoil at all, or for someone who is use to shooting larger caliber handguns the recoil would have no effect on the shooters aim when firing rapidly. I would much rather have a small caliber handgun up against a mad man with an AR15 in close quarters. I come from the "pro gun" crowd, and the infantry.

    On a side note we do need requirements for training to obtain a concealed carry permit. Nothing crazy, but one should demonstrate disassembly/assembly, an easy range qualification... Like 5-7 yds be able to put 3 rounds on a silhouette within 5 seconds. Observe proper weapon safety at all times on the range, qualify and bam you can now carry where it is legal.

    My .02:up:
  2. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    You're all boneheads who miss the point and lack reading comprehension. Hey cowboy, go grab your little 9mm and fight someone firing an M4 from more than 50m. I'm sure that will work out really well for you.

    I'm sure if all you big badass CCW holders were there strapped with your 9s that big bad guy would have been down after he fired the first round. In actuality, he would ventilate you with high velocity 5.56 rounds from beyond your effective engagement range and you'd be going home in a body bag along with the children. I doubt most of you get the range time or have the experience to win that firefight against superior firepower.

    Find me one instance of some badass bystander with a pistol and no training shooting down some nutcase with an assault rifle.

    Nutcases will always commit mass murder. Nothing is going to stop them, just deal with it. Youre more likely to be killed by a texting teen than you are to be in a position to play hero. Come on heros, go find all those crazed gunmen and take them down with your mad shooting skillz.
  3. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Since when do you find a 50 yd line of sight in a school? Dude we are talking door to door, room to room. These maniacs kill innocent people at very close range, not popping off at 50 yards. Nobody seems to pull the fire alarm and wait in the woods for the kids to come out, no they shoot out a window, climb in and pick off huddling victims that are in shock and living out a hell on earth scenario. Quit playing black ops and have some SA about these 2 most recent and extremely horrific tragedies. They occur way within 50 meters. Once again, haven't been in a movie theater where a pistol would be out of its area target range. By area target, I mean groups larger than a few inches by a good shot. Would I like to have an AR 15 in my trunk if someone starting shooting in a parking lot? Sure, because I may have to hit em in the head at 50 meters or more. Unfortunately for Mrs. Gifford and others, nobody had one handy.
  4. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    I'm not anti gun you ass. You all seem to think you're badasses who would stop that nutter, but in actuality your chances of ever being in a situation to rescue children and damsels in distress from insane gunmen are effectively zero. Your chances of being in the right place at the right time are less. I'm more worried about being killed by a drunk driver than being shot by a disgruntled employee.

    Maybe 100 people have been killed in mass shootings in the past 30 years, more people in the US will be killed tomorrow in car accidents. The attention that mass shootings receive is disproportional to the problem. Putting armed guards in every school is a stupid fucking idea and would be a colossal waste of money. I'll at least give the dumbass president of the NRA credit for doubling down instead of backtracking.
  5. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

  6. GixxerBlade

    GixxerBlade Oh geez

    In Clackamas, Oregon about two weeks ago a mass shooting was averted when a CCW confronted the shooter that was carrying an AR-15. He killed himself rather than face off someone with a gun. BOOM!
  7. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    And thanks for calling me an ass, I was responding to redbird identifying himself as being a part of the "anti-gun" crowd, not you. There is nothing "badass" about stopping a nutter. It is responding to a crisis the best you can. You are right, I probably won't be in a situation like that, but I may have to defend my family in public, and I want that security. Notice how these mass shootings are happening more often, but thats ok stay in your complacent world where this could never happen to you.
  8. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    Who's going to have one, exactly? 50 year old female teachers who've never fired or seen a firearm in their lives? Maybe we should expend billions to properly train and equip teachers to defend against the 1/10 million chance that they'll ever have to fight a crazed gunman.

    I don't play Black Ops or your other teenage videogames, sorry. Go find a crazy gunman and show him who's boss, that's your business. I don't think it's worth worrying about. You're more likely to use a concealed weapon against a mugger or some dude trying to shoot you on a freeway.
  9. SGVRider

    SGVRider Well-Known Member

    He didn't shoot him, did he? Find one instance where the badass CCW holder engaged the whacko and neutralized him with his own weapon. Complacent? Not really. Anything that can happen can happen to me or you, someone could also drive a car through my bedroom while I'm sleeping and kill me in the night. I think responsible citizens should be able to get CCWs if they want, I just think you vastly overestimate the abilities of the average citizen.

    Mass shootings have been happening more, but how many people have been killed in 30 years? 100? Nothing but a drop in the bucket.

    I apologize for calling you an ass. I assumed, you know what happens when one does that.... Don't try to twist it, you specifically said CCW holders would be useful in stopping crazed gunmen, not defending your family against muggers or carjackers. Even in states and counties where it's easy to get a CCW, most people don't bother. Liberalizing laws on concealed weapons will do sweet fuck all to stop mass shootings.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
  10. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    Dude you are making many assumptions based on opinion. Whats wrong with having a requirement for students pursuing a teaching degree take a gun safety course? I'm sure the local police departments would be able to find the time once a semester to hold a 2-3 hour class followed by a couple hours at the range, paid for by the student of course, just like one pays for classes at school. I'm not saying require teachers to carry, but i'll bet you will find a couple in every school who would be willing to take the training and have a pistol, or hell an AR15 in a locker in the classroom. Sure they will probably never have to use it, but is another school shooting acceptable when we could respond internally before the police dispatch even make the call? To me its worthless to worry about the drunk drivers, you can't do anything about that. A crazy gunman? You at least make your own destiny.
  11. luke738

    luke738 Well-Known Member

    I think you are vastly overestimating the abilities of these whacked out gunmen. Anybody can walk into a gun free zone and start blasting with zero resistance. Time and again the guy doesn't off himself until someone else with a gun arrives.
  12. XFBO

    XFBO Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's any secret that his party's agenda has been to make it nearly impossible for anyone, other than a LEO, to carry a weapon legally.
  13. Redbird

    Redbird Well-Known Member

    I identified myself as being far from anti-gun. I'm a CCW holder and own and shoot several .22s, as well as a rifle or two chambered in .223/5.56.

    If you sincerely believe a main difference between the two is range, well, we're going to have to agree to disagree. Would I be sorry to have my Mark III on me in that situation? No, but I'd probably be wishing I had my .45, or better yet, an AR-15, even with it's itty bitty little bullets. ;)
  14. Bugman

    Bugman Well-Known Member

    Tell it to the DC snipers.

    Tell it to the guy behind the 5.56 or 7.62 scoping you through your kitchen window from across the neighborhood.
  15. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Hell, tell it to Doug as he "Aces High" his Predator up your ass why your Judge isn't up to the task? :rolleyes:
  16. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member

    A ccw permmit and weapon is no different than an insurance policy to me. I hope I never need it but if I do I thank god I have it. Im not even sure I would use it in defense of others since I usually carry a .308. My engagement range is so short I wouldnt want to draw fire my direction. If you chose not to arm yourself and became a victim I cant be responsible for that.
  17. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

  18. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member


    That would be a hell of a handgun! Yes, I meant .380
  19. SpeedyE

    SpeedyE Experimental prototype, never meant for production

    Eye to eye with a man who was murdering people, watching the guy fumble-fuck around w/ a malfunction (for an extended length of time!!!!)....and instead of advancing and smoking the guy....he runs away leaving his friend and child behind. Nice job.

    Would he be "standing by his decision" if the shooter had cleared his malfunction and continued on, killing many people and kids??????

    Gun crowd is toting this guy as some kind of hero who ended the shooting/killing.
    IMHO, he is a worthless self-prioritized coward :down:
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
  20. ryoung57

    ryoung57 Off his meds

    And if he'd killed the guy who was now standing there holding a jammed gun and not actually pointing at him, some BS lawyer would have found a way to sue him for the wrongful death of the shooter.

    And who the hell carries a Glock 22 concealed?

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