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Why do recruiters need your resume?

Discussion in 'General' started by duggram, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. duggram

    duggram Sunrise Bahia de LA

    My resume is on Monster, Dice, CareerBuilder and Linkedin. But every day I get at least one email from a recruiter asking me for a copy of my resume. The problem with sending your resume out to too many recruiters is that if you get double submitted to a single client/employer you will not get selected for that position. The client/employer isn't about to invite any legal problems. So why do they ask?
  2. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    To see if there are any changes to it since it was last posted on one of those websites.
  3. duggram

    duggram Sunrise Bahia de LA

    That's too logical. Didn't think of that. Would just telling them that your online resumes are up to date be enough?
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2012
  4. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    Nah man, just send it to them. If you give them the "hey, it's online, get it from there" type of reply you could come off as difficult. Takes 10 seconds, you can add a short cover letter addressed to the recruiter and be back to looking at facebook in no time. :)

    Headhunters make their dough on you or one of their client's getting the job. Let them earn their percentage. :)
  5. Ides

    Ides Well-Known Member

    While the above posted is true, here's what I've found out after-the-fact.

    Sometimes, when a sub submits a resume to a prime, the resume is stripped of personal and contact information. The resume is sent to the prime, prime takes a look and either says, 'ya this guy might be a good fit, send him in for an interview' or 'no thanks, this guy is terribad'.

    Also, some of the shadier places, have been known to use your resume as 'people on tap' w/o your consent. Depending, some primes pay ABC company X amount for Y number of resumes and an additional $Z bonus to the company if candidate from stack of Y resumes is hired.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2012
  6. duggram

    duggram Sunrise Bahia de LA

    Please tell me what is it that people look at on facebook? Knowing the beep crowd, is it porn?
  7. Harp

    Harp Well-Known Member

    Tell the recruiter to check with you before submitting your resume...thus avoiding the dreaded double submission.
  8. Lawn Dart

    Lawn Dart Difficult. With a big D.


    I learned this the hard way many many years ago...

    I don't allow recruiters to submit without my consent, and I generally require they give me info/indication about the company. A lot of times, they don't want to tell you who the company is... I don't care if we have to play 20 questions and they clear their throat twice for "yes" when I guess the name - I need to know who I'm applying to...
  9. Mud Whistle

    Mud Whistle Get my icebike ON!

    And if you find an opportunity without one of the headhunters who has your resume, feel free to negotiate for a larger than normal signing bonus/whatever since the hiring company doesn't have to fork over 20+% to the headhunter. This assumes they were using headhunters in the first place.
  10. lazlo

    lazlo Stand up guy who corners low.

    There is no porn on facebook.

    I found fb to be a good place to keep up with my racing buddies, some from as far back as 20 years ago. We all stay in touch through fb.

    I also use fb to find chicks that wouldn't have sexors with me in high school, to see what they look like now.

    The other thing fb is good for is finding chicks that did have sexors with me in high school and see what they look like now.

    I don't have to contact them, just having the fb account lets me find them and check them out. I wear the same size jeans now, at 53, as I did in high school, so, you know, I have that going for me.
  11. kneedragger29

    kneedragger29 Well-Known Member

  12. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    There is no issue with a resume being submitted twice... Happens quite often actually. He who submits first wins. If they want to duke it out with each other, that's their beef..

    Recruiters operate on 20-25 percent of your first year total comp. I cut the check within 10-15 days of the hire and get a guaranteed replacement if you term within 90 days. They network like crazy and share candidates. So you never really are sure where your resume is going.

    The reason your contact information is removed is so I can't contact you directly. Or evenfurther share that resume amongst my network of HR folks so they don't have to pay the fee. It's all very akin to real estate.

    Recruiters are good when I am looking to hire for a niche position. Otherwise they can be like used car salesmen.

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