The flu

Discussion in 'General' started by Canadian Bacon, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. It f#cking sucks, that is all.
  2. Razr

    Razr Well-Known Member

    I hear ya!! I'm using all my powers of positive attitude to keep the fever away but I'm not feeling all that well :down:
  3. zippytech

    zippytech Running On Pumpedupness!!

    yep been fighting it since Sunday Eve
  4. krod524

    krod524 Well-Known Member

    Your immune system works 24/7. Viruses and germs are with you all the time and your immune system fights them... mostly when you sleeping or just resting.

    But sometimes it weakens and makes way for the illness.

    Try to give your immune system a chance by eating right and staying hydrated...especially when you wake up in the morning.
  5. Sleeping 12 hours a day, drinking 5-6 bottles of water + 3 or 4 l of Gatorade, forcing myself to eat. Still feel like shit. Plus a z pack 1000mg of penecillin a day and an enhaler. If I don't feel better tomorrow im switching to Jager.

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