Toddlers and Pitbulls

Discussion in 'General' started by CycleWorx Inc., Jul 20, 2011.

  1. CycleWorx Inc.

    CycleWorx Inc. Well-Known Member

    My current avatar is my fiance, and my last avatar was my ex-wife... Feel free to ask anyone about that one... lol
  2. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    I feed my pit/boxer mix Baby Orphans for breakfast. He is a natural born killer. You can see it in his eyes :cool:

  3. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    He has a scared shitless scream when dogs get to close to him that he doesn't know. Our dogs (one's a pit) scare him when they start playing rough.

    It seriously breaks my heart when cries like that.
  4. socal

    socal Well-Known Member

    I would be cautious about mixing infants with any type of breed of dog.
  5. CycleWorx Inc.

    CycleWorx Inc. Well-Known Member

    I am sure it does break your heart. I hate seeing my daughter cry even when she falls down playing. I could not imagine getting bitten. But, you said you currently have a pit, so you know the point to my thread.
  6. CycleWorx Inc.

    CycleWorx Inc. Well-Known Member

    Again, it is up to the owner and parent. I would not leave my infant alone with any kind of potentially dangerous animal. I have another daughter on the way and until she is older, my dogs will not be left alone with her in any room for any reason. I trust them more than I trust most humans, but I am not stupid and know shit happens. Its all about being smart and responsible.
  7. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

    What did Davie Stone get to her?
  8. CycleWorx Inc.

    CycleWorx Inc. Well-Known Member

  9. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    Mine hated having his pic taken..:crackup:

    he loved kids, and most other dogs..I really miss him..:(

  10. speedkelly

    speedkelly Well-Known Member

    "They said … this dog has never shown aggression before ... that it's a freak thing, a freak accident," Cipriano said. How come this is said after every freaking dog attack?

    Dogs make great pets, that I agree. But! Pitbulls sure do chew on and kill a lot of people?

    Hell any dog can bite you. But ask yourself this, you want a little yappy mutt chewing on your child or loved one? Or some bad ass pitbull?

    Sorry not a dog lover. Got the scar on my ass from being bit when I was a kid. Two german shepards tried to chew on me and my younger brother?
    I hope your dog never attacks anyone.
  11. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    What a cutie!
  12. CycleWorx Inc.

    CycleWorx Inc. Well-Known Member

    My daughter started saying, "Kami!" when she seen this. Thats my female pits name. Definitely a pretty dog.

    If people would do their research they would see that Pits do not make the list of top ten reported breeds that bite each year. And everyone knows every Pit bite is reported.
  13. Inquizid

    Inquizid Member Well-Known

  14. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    cover your own ass. And MOST people are full of shit when they say that. My mom has a dog that I dont trust at all. She is like "oh he wont bite" Fuck you he wont. He hasnt, but he will. He has come close.

    I will say mine wont bite and I will prove it. I take his food out of his mouth. put my hand in his food. I have even deliberately caused minor pain to see what he did. Nothing.


    1: The media REPORTS more bully breed attacks than anything. There are not an extroardinary amount of bully breed attacks. Actually they are down the list behind German shephards, Dalmations, Cocker spaniels, and a few other dogs

    2: Most "pit bulls" reported as having bitten someone, are not pit bulls at all. They are somewhat bully looking dogs at best.
    The Pitbull is the current scape goat.

    Not so long ago the media hated dog was the Rottweiler and the Pitt Bull was a loved family pet (little rascals). Before that it was the Doberman. Before that the German Shephard. NOtice you rarely hear of those breeds anymore? They are the same now as they were then. Pitts are the same now as they were then. Nothing has changed except what dog the media wants to latch on to.
  15. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

    Compare breed population to bite incidences.
  16. CycleWorx Inc.

    CycleWorx Inc. Well-Known Member

    Your point is... Full size poodles are towards the top of the list and I see alot more Pits than I do full size poodles...
  17. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    Joe, good post, and I totally agree. If people would Stop believing all the media hype, and do some research, they would see that REAL Pitbulls are great dogs.

    Also, when Temperament tests are done, pitties are right up there with Golden retrievers, which is the #1 favored dog in America.

    Any dog can be bad tempered, the idots that breed Pitties with other breeds to get a meaner looking dog, and usually a dog that has a questionable temperament.
  18. speedkelly

    speedkelly Well-Known Member

    Dog lovers, Dog haters?

    Ok, you guys love your dogs, thats cool. Some people don't feel the same way as you, thats cool too.

    Ok so pitbulls get a bad rap for chewing on people. I'd just as soon keep my kids and loved one's away from the chewing kind of pet?

    Enjoy your dogs. I don't think of my self as a dog hater, more as a lower risk of being chewed on!
  19. motojoe_23

    motojoe_23 The Nephew

    Or, you have a phobia to put it another way ;)
  20. CB186

    CB186 go f@ck yourself

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