Moore Highside caught on tape!

Discussion in 'General' started by MightyDuc Racing, Aug 3, 2003.

  1. MightyDuc Racing

    MightyDuc Racing By Land, Air, and Sea

  2. #249

    #249 Well-Known Member


    that was NASTY!
  3. MightyDuc Racing

    MightyDuc Racing By Land, Air, and Sea

    Yeah...looks like he just lost the rear as it came over that little peak. I wasn't sure if Speed caught it on tape, so I thought it might help him piece the crash together. Get well soon Greg! Haven't ever met ya, but always rooting for ya.:)
  4. jeffrop

    jeffrop Well-Known Member

    Im still wondering how the tank came off?? :confused:
  5. UGA Dawg

    UGA Dawg Fertile Member

    OUCH! That was hideous. I Know how he feels.:eek:
  6. GREG#22

    GREG#22 Well-Known Member

    thanks i was curious if anyone got it on tape. looks about how i feel:D shit
  7. MightyDuc Racing

    MightyDuc Racing By Land, Air, and Sea

    I found it while surfing around the net. Hope your feeling better.
  8. Shane_6r

    Shane_6r Team Squid Racing

    I bet I know where you found it. The guys over at snagged that shot. Glad to see it making it around the net.
  9. MightyDuc Racing

    MightyDuc Racing By Land, Air, and Sea

  10. R6#486

    R6#486 Shockin the Shockers!!

    Damn that was violent Greg! That must have been Isaacs right behind you! Hope you recover quick and get back to twisting the throttle.
  11. Localriders

    Localriders Member

    It really wasn't a home video... had a press pass to cover the AMA races at Mid-Oh and I personally made a small version of that video to share with anyone that was interested in seeing it. I wasn't all that concerned with others downloading and passing it around or whatever becasue I don't make a living filming races I do it for peeps who enjoy motorcycles... (Maybe I need to watermark our home movies)

    I am very glad that Greg did get a chance to see it becasue he might not of if MightDucracing wasn't trying to generate traffic for prolly selfish reasons...(someone gave me video of me getting hit on a starting grid last year but it wasn't a close up shot and wanted to see more after I healed up)

    SpeedyPete was at the next hole in the fence when this happened and he dropped his camera slipped through the fence to help. I felt quite helpless and just watched as all the corner workers came running. Speed has been around the track a lot more than I've been and he knew what to do without hesitation..

    I do think Speed did get a couple hi-res shots at the end of the crash you may want to check with him.. Again I'm so glad to hear you are trying to heal Greg... The other racer name was Isaacs ?

    I guess he is doing ok... I was concerned a lot because he was laying still and didn't really know how everything worked out...

    Take care and get well soon Greg..
  12. GREG#22

    GREG#22 Well-Known Member

    dude your time and effort is not unnoticed i appreciate the vid and have learned what happened now. see everyone at barber and hopefully healed up. once again THANKS:p
  13. MightyDuc Racing

    MightyDuc Racing By Land, Air, and Sea

    Re: Re: Moore Highside caught on tape!

    Actually, I hosted it on my site to keep from bogging you down cuz I knew everybody would be downloading it from yours if I posted it here for them to see. There aren't any ads or any reasons for me to try to boost traffic at my site. I would route the link to my home page if that was the case. By the way, thanks for the benefit of the doubt.:rolleyes:
  14. Speedy Pete

    Speedy Pete Motorsports Photo

    As Dave said, I was there with him at the fateful corner. And I hope mighty duck has added proper credit to the vid.

    I saw the small amount of crash footage on Speed today and it just echoed what I caught with my camera too. I was going to post one with this message, but I seem to have misplaced my FTP software!! I'll post it later.

    It was ugly. It was REAL ugly! I went to the rider sitting up and talked to him and helped him with his chin strap and glove. The other worker on the outside of the track attended to the other rider. The guy I was with said his arm was broken. My third frame of the crash explains the broken arm. When the medical crew showed up, I let them handle things from there.

    Like Sean, I was suprised the tank came off. It was badly crushed as well. The bikes came back to the tech shed and the yellow 220 was covered up since it wasnt picked up right away. The other bike was picked up not long after the crash.

    I'll post another note for updates of the other "fallen heroes." Mid-Ohio was extra tough on racers from Ahrma to AMA.

  15. MightyDuc Racing

    MightyDuc Racing By Land, Air, and Sea

    From this thread....:rolleyes:
  16. mglisson

    mglisson New Member

    first off, mr. moore. glad to hear that you're on the mend. hope to see ya back out there soon tearing up the track. us 'spectators' _greatly_ appreciate the effort.

    secondly, :D

    come on mr. duck! you did copy the video from the owner, upload it to your server and make a post here stating that you "found" it.:rolleyes:

    and until some ppl in this thread called you on the carpet you didn't even give any credit on your team's site or in this thread to the owner of the footage.

    would you copy video from or and host it on your site? not if you were smart. ever heard the term copyright?

    but what i really can't figure out is how you could
    1. download the video from
    2. put the video up on your server
    3. edit the page on your team's site to include a link to your new "found" video
    4. make your post out here announcing the video that you "found"

    and all of this was happening about the same time you made a post on in the thread where the announcement was made that we had captured the video.

    your post in the above link is from 8/3/2003 7:35pm. your post originating this thread is from 8/3/2003 7:20pm. how the hell did you forget where you got it?

    you sir will get the benefit of the doubt when you don't have documented egg on your face. :down:
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2003
  17. MightyDuc Racing

    MightyDuc Racing By Land, Air, and Sea

    ....hahahahahaha...don't you have something better to do? I never said I forgot where I found it. Give it a rest. All I did was download what I thought was a cool ass vid and put in on my site with several other vid clips. Whatever dude.
  18. Speedy Pete

    Speedy Pete Motorsports Photo

    Sooo that the way you treat the racing community? If you thought it was THAT cool then you would have let others know who took it. Since I was the second one to see it I would have known what you did.

    I think people deserve credit for the things they do. Dave @ deserves credit for the video he took WHEREVER IT GETS POSTED. I guess mightyduc deserves credit for being too casual about pirating others work. Maybe its time for the copyright police to check your site out more thoroughly.

  19. MightyDuc Racing

    MightyDuc Racing By Land, Air, and Sea

    Okay...whatever you say. It's obvious that no matter what I say, you are right and I am wrong. Regardless, people make mistakes, I quickly ammended it and fixed it, and if that's not good enough for you, tough.
  20. GREG#22

    GREG#22 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE It was ugly. It was REAL ugly! I went to the rider sitting up and talked to him and helped him with his chin strap and glove. The other worker on the outside of the track attended to the other rider. The guy I was with said his arm was broken. My third frame of the crash explains the broken arm. When the medical crew showed up, I let them handle things from there.

    it was me you were talking to and i hope i did'nt cuss at you or anything but i was out of it and i can't say enough how quickly you were over there to give me a helping hand i give all you who helped me and Lance a huge thumbs up there are some corner workers that could use some training from you guys. Maybe next time i meet you i will buy you a few beers:beer: instead of freaking out on you.

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