
Discussion in 'General' started by Scotty #232V6, Jun 28, 2000.

  1. Scotty #232V6

    Scotty #232V6 New Member

    why do regional and vintage events get no mention in the race mags?
  2. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    We're not worthy! [​IMG]
  3. WERA 16

    WERA 16 Guest

    I think we all have asked this question so many times. I agree that for as much as the "weekend Warriors" put into the racing, that we/they should be able to see a little in return. After all, isn't us, the little people that come from street riding during the week to put our money into what the companies are trying to sell?

    Yet on the other hand, there is so much to cover. Hell look at Sean. He only has a couple of things to look over and look how long it takes him [​IMG]

    Seriously though, there is so much to be covered, and as I have done reporting, it's tough for one guy at a local event, or a regional, to pick out faces and names for every class of a sprint. Then there's the money factor. At times I wish there was a mag dedicated solely to the sportsman series and the nationals. I can't tell you how much it bothers me for the past 4 magazines that I have recieved and it's the same thing about the new GSXR and RC-51. They are damn good bikes yes, but not enough to print it twice. Make me happy by ditching the GP reports for a minute and give me some info on some squid with a orange shirt that stomped the rest of the field.

    Oh, sorry, was I venting ??? [​IMG]
  4. WERA

    WERA Administrator

    To which I say [​IMG]
  5. wera731

    wera731 Active Member

    This could get long. The following is not the official feelings of Roadracing World, but I want to help everyone understand.

    A magazine has a finite amount of space. There is enough roadracing in America alone to fill twice that space. That's without any news, features, schedules, classifieds, etc. I feel that there is great racing in the WERA Sportsman series, the Loudon series, the Willow series, etc. In Roadracing World, we cover these events fairly regularly. We cannot pay someone to go out and cover these, but some how I (and hardworking people like me) make it to a few over the course of the year, write them up, and send them in. With limited space and resources, these races are simply not an affordable priority. Priority right now would go something like GPs, WSK, AMA, F-USA, WERA Nationals, special events like Isle of Man or Suzuka 8 hour.

    For the last 2 years, Roadracing World has not been the "official magazine" of WERA, but has consistently out performed Motorcycle Performance and American Road & Race. AR&R has attended exactly 2 WERA events this year while RW hasn't missed one any for many years.

    Motorcycle Performance actually covered Novice classes at the Nationals in 1999. Again with our limited space, Roadracing World does not cover Novice classes except for at the GNF and Race of Champions. The feeling is that a Novice could come in and win everything in one year, and, for whatever reason, never be heard from again. So all of that space used to cover his or her exploits was a waste. But, if that Novice turns into an Expert and continues to progress as a racer, his day in the sun will come. Examples being, Mike Mashewske, Wrenn Smith, Jep Palmour, Scott Gardner, Jeff Muskopf, Jason Smith, etc. These are all new Experts that came from being an over looked Novice on to being read about in Roadracing World.

    There are two ways that a race gets covered. One, the magazine pays a reporter to go out and cover the race. Two, someone who is already at the race writes up the action and sends it in and gets paid later. This is how I got started.

    I hope that this has helped understanding of the situation.
  6. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    The question remains: Why is their no coverage of the WERA National Vintage races???

    I heard (unconfirmed)a while back, there was some kind of falling out between WERA Vintage and RRW. Is this the reason why?
  7. WERA 16

    WERA 16 Guest

    I will commend Motorcycle Performance. Last year a racer by the name of Tony Weisenhahn blew through my race class at Putnam running 1.19's on street tires. I followed him closely and finally MP did an article on his success and I was really proud to see that he got the recognition that he deserved. But now, I haven't seen Tony since the season started, so I understand where the problem exists of putting novices in the magazines.

    But think of the amount of novices in the magazines, as well as the vintage guys who run, (and might I say do not get anywhere near the recognition that they deserve) and look at who makes up the most number of magazines. My guess is that there are alot more yellow number plates and vintage riders than experts on GSXR's.

    Now this is in no way a shot at any of the magazines, nor the reporters, because their jobs are certainly tough enough. But how about something for the simple man. Like Lee Rigozee. A guy who spends most of his days taking snapshots not just for experts, but for everyone. Lee doesn't drive a custom truck, or have the finer things, but like most of us, does it because he loves the sport, and likes to see the smiles when people pay for his pictures. And everytime I go through that book on Saturday and Sunday Afternoon, I see a lot more yellow plates and vintage bikes out there giving it their all, for nothing more than the pleasure it gives them to see their knee on the ground, and hopefully, one day, a spot in a race mag to show a pal.
  8. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    I think you're commending a dead horse. Their web site has been down for quite a whlie (actually disabled by the administrator according to their home page message) and I haven't seen a printed copy for months.

    Does anyone know what happened to them?
  9. WERA

    WERA Administrator

    Per a press release a few weeks back it is offiically kaput.
  10. Diesel

    Diesel Well-Known Member

    Here's a funny little tid-bit. A friend of mine, Buff Harsh WERA #888, won the 350 Sportsman at Daytona this past March and there was no mention of it in any of the American publications. Yet he got his picture and name in print in a big Italian glossy! If we (vintage racers) want to see ourselves... we just have to look in the European magazines and newspapers. [​IMG]
  11. wera731

    wera731 Active Member

    As for the rift between, WERA Vintage and Roadracing World. You would need to talk to the people that run those organizations. I just work there.
  12. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    Spoken like a true journalist! [​IMG]
  13. Due North

    Due North Source of Insanity

    Well, you work there, give me an email address and I will. Or better yet, get 'em on this BBS and lets find out. I don't really care what the rift is about or who started what (I gave that up in the 3rd grade). I am actually more interested in seeing some decent coverage.

    So kiss and make up, bury the hatchet,......blah blah blah AND GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is not directed towards you wera731, but to RRW as an organization.
  14. wera731

    wera731 Active Member

    You can voice your concerns at...

    Editor John Ulrich
    Roadracing World
    P.O. Box 1428
    Lake Elsinore, CA 92531

    or call him at 909-245-6411

    or you can call Rick or Lynn Breckon at WERA Vintage at 407-831-4331 or 407-831-7736

    Even if it does get worked out, which I hope it does because I miss hanging and racing with the WERA Vintage folks, don't expect a cover photo of Harold Page Jr. and his Yamaha Seca 550.
  15. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    How about a picture of Sean on his Kawasaki pit/pickup truck low rider he cruises around the paddock with?

    We'll even make him comb his hair and trim his facial hair. [​IMG]
  16. WERA

    WERA Administrator

    Ummm, NO!

    It's bad enough they make me wear a shirt with my name on it....
  17. IYFphoto

    IYFphoto Ripper of fish lips

    Another angle on this issue -

    I do freelance work for, as well as take pictures

    I only cover events close to me (Birmingham, AL), so I can't get to everything, but I do hit most of the stuff in the Southeast. I have been trying to cover endurance mainly. When I can, I write summaries of the vintage and sprints races. I was not aware that there was so much interest in expanding coverage of Vintage. I will make an effort to attend more of the vintage events.

    I am currently trying to get on with ARR to cover the Southeast. If that materializes, maybe I could help some there too.

    Look for me at the track if you ever need pictures.

    IN YOUR FACE - Motorcycle Photography
  18. robw122

    robw122 Well-Known Member

    you guys are so un-inventive. i got a job up here writing a monthly column called knee dragging in the niagara frontier sports and liesure news. i write all about myself and my teammates every issue. pictures, etc. i even get paid for this! shameless self promotion? damn straight! this month i got to write about summit point in june and a really cool helicopter ride over d.c. in the setting sun. all typed one handed by the way. [​IMG]- call up your local papers and ask them if you can be a contributing editor. i hope to turn this into a real job someday. maybe i can write for sport rider and finally ride something from this decade! that's right folks, loose on the streets and tracks of america on somebody else's bikes.......sounds pretty rough huh? let the insults commence..
    rob wigdorski jr. #122v.
  19. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    I can't insult you when you have such a cool number! [​IMG]
  20. wera122

    wera122 Guest

    Good luck. I used to write for AR&R and 2wf in 98/99 before they got the "pro" riders on staff. I even rode with Peter Jones on the track and covered the AMA SB races at Road A and Mid Ohio.

    Just tell Peter you know me and you're guaranteed to not get the job. [​IMG]

    The press passes are the best part. [​IMG]

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