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Would You Vote For Him..?

Discussion in 'The Dungeon' started by Hammer 4, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. Hammer 4

    Hammer 4 Can't Touch This

    I've heard Newt on a lot of t.v. show's, speaking on what America really needs..which I tend to agree with. He also tends to be for what's right and not what any given party is for or against. I'd vote for him even though he had some issues in the past.
  2. jkhonea

    jkhonea Back Again

    Exactly. :up:
  3. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process

    I like watching Jon Stewart knock him down a peg or two...but I also like that he will go on the show and stand up for what he believes in. I still wouldn't vote for him unless it was against Palin...but I do respect him.
  4. sharkattack

    sharkattack Rescued pets over people. All day, every day

    I couldn't vote for a guy who served his wife divorce papers while she was in the hospital getting treatment for cancer.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2010
  5. Orvis

    Orvis Well-Known Member

    So far, of all the possible Republican candidates mentioned, I would rather have Newt leading us than any of the others. It always gives me a bit of heart flutter when the Parties leaders end up picking someone to run for President that mostly no one has heard of. I simply want someone to lead us that I have had confidence in for a long time instead of a newcomer whose past is a blank.

    If Palin runs for President, I'll vote for just about anyone else. She's cute but not Presidential material yet. (I wonder if she will ever be?):)
  6. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I would like to see Mitt Romney. There are others but no way they will run. JC Watts being the main one.
  7. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    Please tell me you're kidding.

    What part of "socialized medicine" appeals to you? You do recall that he was the one who instituted that boondoggle in Taxachussetts, right?
  8. justariot66

    justariot66 Well-Known Member

    Palin, for all her charm and down home....homieness is a dunderhead. Honestly I could go fox and do what she does. Actually I could do better, I listen to her speak and she just generalizes too much.
    She doesnt even have ground ball answers like "what do you do with the illegals who are here now?" I mean the answer doesnt have to be brilliant but you have to say something.
    Like this:
    1 Crippling enforcement penalties on those who hire undocumented workers. Punishable by 1000.00 per employee first offense and 2500.00 second followed by 5000.00 for a third and a revokation of business licenses and/or the ability to collect sales tax if you are retail.
    2 For those who are hear and wish to be legal, you give them legal status not citizenship. No right to vote, 10 years working on the books before they are able to collect social security benefits. You must learn the english language, 1 year after legal status is applied for you must attain a certain level of competence and 2 years after that retake the test and achieve a higher standard.
  9. damianroadracer

    damianroadracer Active Member

    Something needs to be done. If climate change gets passed then the only racing we will be doing is BENCH RACING...
  10. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused


    He's just a different side of the same crappy zinc coin that is getting sold to us.
  11. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Well, that's interesting...

    Apply at Fox. See if your marketable. I'm betting she'll pull better numbers.

    1 - Who cares about a business license given out by a state? Does it grant some kind of special knowledge? Has that state license helped do something? I think I'd probably shop more at a place that didn't have to collet sales tax. I could buy more. How about you?

    2 - Social Security? Just dump all social programs. They aren't funded. Government safety nets are fake. They cost more than they claim, they don't accomplish what they claim. They aren't "benefits". They are suicide pacts. It's just another road to serfdom.

    If someone wants to work. Let 'em. If they are felons, they dont' need to be here. We can go on, but that's a simple way of generalizing to make things work. Why does it need to be more complicated?
  12. Super Dave

    Super Dave Exhausted and Abused

    Oh, can't take Mitt. Healthcare...

    JC Watts...always find him very interesting.
  13. justariot66

    justariot66 Well-Known Member

    If you are in a state the requires a license to be an electrician you would care if they took your license away, right?

    If you are a business and are supposed to collect sales tax on items you sell AND do not have a certificate you will be screwed six ways till sunday if you are caught. Retail cannot exist without the ability to collect tax.

    The idea that youd be more likely to shop at a business that didnt have to collect sales tax shows that you either havent thought your answer through or you dont know what you are talking about.

    There is nothing wrong with taxes, they are the price you pay for living in a civilized society, I do like you, hate how much we are taxed when that amount is stacked against how much is wasted.

    As for Palin, yes she could pull better numbers but I would debate her on what she knows and doesnt know any day of the week. I mean really shes such a conservative she stumped for McCain? She didnt know Africa was a country or continent?
    She seems nice but shes a feather weight. Its just like Chris Christy, the guys been governor for a few months and Repubics are talking about him running for president in 2012???? WTF
  14. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I don't blame Mitt for the way that was mismanaged. Not sure that the people of the state blame him either. At least they didn't seem to when I was living there.
  15. turtlecreek

    turtlecreek Well-Known Member

    ha ha....too much baggage.....pay much attention to any of the backgrounds lately?
  16. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    I blame him for being the brainchild for state-sponsored mandatory health insurance. It's kinda a big affront to the concept of individual liberties.

    And I didn't know you were once a Masshole. Glad to see you dropped the "m" and went someplace you could legally own a weapon! :up: :D

    You gotta admit, though...some of the best drivers on the planet are in Boston. Only place I've driven that was more fun/insane was Montreal! :cool:
  17. pickled egg

    pickled egg There is no “try”

    You're missing the point. Having passed a state exam doesn't make you a good electrician. Ask the licensed master electrician I fired and spent a month following behind and fixing all his fuckups.

    Dave's point is the state seeks to control who can and can't do things through various mandates. It's an impediment to entry into markets and drives prices up. It's essentially a huge protection racket.

    Tell that to New Hampshire, Montana, Oregon, Delaware and Alaska.

    Huh? If I can save 5%+ by purchasing somewhere that doesn't have a sales tax, you're damn skippy I'm going to. Ask people in Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts how much money they spend in NH.

    I disagree. There's nothing civilized about having your wealth stripped from you at the barrel of a gun.

    Instead of that brilliant Senator who ran for President, who served how long again before thinking he was qualified for the job? :crackhead:
  18. Hawk518

    Hawk518 Resident Alien

    It has been a while since I heard JC Watts speak. Where is he hiding?
  19. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I've lived up there for 3 or 4 several month stretches. I really like the place. The gun laws aren't as bad as most people think but they sure as hell aren't as easy as most states. :p

    Dude, the drivers are insane but actually do a fairly good job. I laugh my ass off when I come back home to TN. I'll be behind someone at an intersection and thinking, "WTF... go already. Your pussy ass would never survive in Chicago or Boston." :D
  20. RCjohn

    RCjohn Killin machine.

    I think JC realized that both sides of the political machine in DC had started losing their minds so he refused to sell his soul to the Devil and got the hell out of there.

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