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Alright you fat f*kr's...

Discussion in 'General' started by DavieStone, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. cajunZX6

    cajunZX6 Well-Known Member

    working out speeds up your metabolism :up: which helps with loosing weight...I never knew of any "healthy" diet that allows you to sit on the couch and watch motorcycle races while you burn fat
  2. DavieStone

    DavieStone Well-Known Member

    If you or Dave wanna come run these mountains with me...you are more than welcome to see how well those treadmills and spin cycles compare to real deal :D

    funny story...I have a bud that literally has veins in his stomach he is so lean. He asked if he could go with me hiking the mountain trail one day and said he would kick my butt because he runs 6 to 10 miles every other day on the tread mill.

    I finished 20 mins before he did and he threw up trying to keep up. So much for your gym, tread mills and weights. Put yourself on the hill 3 to 4 times a week and take your ass to the dirtbike track a couple times a week and then you will see how worthless pumping iron and running treadmills that carry their own momentum are.
  3. DavieStone

    DavieStone Well-Known Member

    I was making it fresh until I found a Whole foods that carried it natural without sugars added. But no...dont by the tropicana stuff, its loaded with sugars.
  4. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    easy steps for weight loss...
    less food, more work. :up:

    you can never have too much "real" sugar provided you burn it up. enzymes in your saliva convert sugar to carbs and vice versa.

    eat a lot of chips and starchy crap and the saliva turns it into sugar. the stuff stuck in your teeth becomes a smorgasbord for enamel eating bacteria...cavity city. drop the chips. drop the soda too, nothing but acid.

    stay away other junk food, to include fast food which is just a processed food-like substance cooked with and containing purified petroleum by-products. stay away from restaurants that cook with said products...denny's, waffle house, etc. if you have to shit it out 1/2 hour after eating it, it was cooked with petroleum. our bodies not designed for internal combustion.

    eat natural food. any amount, any time, just remember you have to burn it up.
    don't be a pussy about sweatin' your ass off.

    drink water to keep your body lubed and impurities flushed out.

    constipated? cup o' joe and a smoke. :D
  5. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Then why are you still so damn fat?
  6. kz2zx

    kz2zx zx2gsxr2zx

    I heart this dude...

    Exactly. What are you training for, Stone? Your goal is to lose weight (and maybe race motorcycles faster), right?
  7. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Nothing wrong with carbs, just eat the right kind.

    I eat no white bread, but I have a sweet potato and a big bowl of oatmeal everyday and I have 6 pack abs. Sweet potatos are the most nutrient dense vegetable you can eat.


    Eating no carbs for a short period might lose you some weight quickly. Eating slow-burning low glycemic index carbs will let you get and stay lean over the long haul. Not to mention you have actual fuel in your tank to burn when you exercise and or race long distances.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2010
  8. DavieStone

    DavieStone Well-Known Member

    Own a resturant/bar where you can have all the food, Jack Daniels you want and then ask me that question again:up:
  9. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg


    But JD is kinda gross.

    I feel your pain, man. I'm down 15 lbs but I seem to have hit a wall.
  10. Strick

    Strick Good to be king

    Since you already admited you are still a fat sack o' crap I would say.......you are doing it wrong.

    If you notice, unlike you I don't make wild claims about my abilities then proved proof in the next sentence that I am full of shit.
  11. DavieStone

    DavieStone Well-Known Member

    I wanna go faster on my bike and I am tired of the weight that I have put on over the last 5 years. I run and train...but I need to do something drastic to jumps start my program. So far...this diet has worked and I have seen the results of it from friends.
  12. fastfreddie

    fastfreddie Midnight Oil Garage

    alcohol impaired? :D
  13. Putter

    Putter Ain't too proud to beg

    Nah, that makes me hit everything else. :D
  14. kz2zx

    kz2zx zx2gsxr2zx

    Okay, your goals are the same as mine. I know you haven't seen me in a while, but Tom will tell you I'm faster on my bike, and everyone else will tell you I'm almost unrecognizably fitter than before (even since I saw you last at Fontana).

    I'll tell you offline what's worked for me, but online, it's like I said... you eat sensibly, stay full of low-cal stuff to keep the hunger down, and exercise significantly and regularly.

    You can call me later, or tomorrow afternoon if you'd like. But right now, I'm truly headed to the gym.
  15. ikilledkenny

    ikilledkenny Well-Known Member

  16. DavieStone

    DavieStone Well-Known Member

    Look Strick...we are both Texans or at least I was born Texas. In Texas its ok to BS, have a little fun...but when you are called on it...ya gotta be able to put up.

    Have Dave call me (by the way Dave...good job on the weight loss) and have him go run with me on any of the three mountains here in Phx. I have been running these mountains for over 25 years on and off. Fat or not...I have always done cardio.

    My issue has been owning a resturant, eating out all the time and eating mexican food.
  17. Dave K

    Dave K DaveK über alles!

    You fat f@cks best be avoiding shrimp.
  18. SPL170db

    SPL170db Trackday winner

    Especially the ones out of the Gulf. Although I heard they are enriched with some new non-essentially fatty acids.
  19. G 97

    G 97 Garth

    I just started this diet 20 minutes ago and I'm already down 9 lbs.
  20. H8R

    H8R Bansgivings in process


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