Dang!!! No Moto GP on Speed until Tuesday...

Discussion in 'General' started by burner42, May 18, 2010.

  1. theJrod

    theJrod Well-Known Member

    They probably did that to screw with all the complainers last round!
  2. cnote1201

    cnote1201 Well-Known Member

    im so sick of nascar . speed should just change there name to nascar tv .seriously 95% of the crap they show is all about crapcar.
  3. burner42

    burner42 Well-Known Member

    That is so far from the truth!!! You should really get your facts correct before posting... It is 92.7% nascar... you are obviously did not factor in Bullrun & Pass Time. Geez :D
  4. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    to their defense, which isn't much for them bc NASpeed Sucks, but the original schedule did say this was going to be tape delayed, but I never realized it was 2 days delayed

    "French Grand Prix – May 25 (2 p.m. ET, taped)
    *Note: French Grand Prix is taped event due to schedule conflicts."
  5. Randy46

    Randy46 ARNCHU Racing

    It is live on Speed, Sunday at 8:00am.

    I emailed Speed, of course got no response, but did get this response from Dorna.

    I wonder if Speed responds to its Nascar customer?
  6. crakpantspaintr

    crakpantspaintr Active Member

    im fairly certain its on tuesday night?
  7. Randy46

    Randy46 ARNCHU Racing

    The Speed site shows it on the schedule for Sunday now. Did not earlier.
  8. BigBird

    BigBird blah

    you are correct...maybe our letters worked :beer:
  9. ChuckS

    ChuckS Well-Known Member

    Much better!:up:
  10. 2blueYam

    2blueYam Track Day Addict

    Moto2 still isn't going to be shown until Tuesday, but at least they put the MotoGP race on!:up:
  11. caferace

    caferace No.

    I just exchanged a few emails with Gavin Emmett (he had just interviewed Nicky) and apparently the emails to BOTH Dorna and SPEED had the desired result. Confirmed.

    If we keep it civil, open and forthrightly honest we can effect changes.


  12. Game

    Game zip tie master

    Sweet! So it's on speed at 8am Sunday? Better set the DVR, last time it missed it.
  13. anupe

    anupe Searching for consistency

    set DVR

    Set the DVR to record all events with that title. Works wonders:beer:
  14. cobra2497

    cobra2497 Well-Known Member

    Awesome DVR set and I'll try to wake up to watch it. Is it 8am EST?
  15. rhinorsv

    rhinorsv Well-Known Member

    motogp on

    Also remember they had some naming convention issues with the guide...i just recorded anything started with moto...worked for me last time...
  16. Game

    Game zip tie master

    I have, It's caught everything exept last weeks race, for some reason it thought race 2 was a rerun of race 1 and didn't record. I'll figure it out for the next WSBK round. I'm safe with motogp :up:
  17. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage

    i just sent Speed a think you on their feedback form: http://www.speedtv.com/feedback/

    Everyone should do the same even if they didn't file a complaint. I think fan input really does matter.
  18. Shyster d'Oil

    Shyster d'Oil Gerard Frommage


    I don't trust my DVR anymore after last weekend. . .
  19. cobra2497

    cobra2497 Well-Known Member

    I didn't file a complaint. But made sure to send a big thank you for them showing it now.
  20. panthercity

    panthercity Thread Killa

    A pleasant surprise. I wrote a note thanking `em.

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