anybody work for enterprise?

Discussion in 'General' started by FastrnU, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. FastrnU

    FastrnU Well-Known Member

    i am about to graduate and was thinking about trying to get a job with enterprise. i know the starting salary is low( about $33,000) but from what i understand you can move up really quickly and it is very possible to be making tripple figures in less than 10 years. any info or expirience at all would be great fellas.
  2. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member

    My brother does, went from low man to regional manager to overseeing wholesale of their used cars. You start out as bitch, if management likes you then you get to move up. pucker up:up:
  3. Jamesm925

    Jamesm925 Well-Known Member

    dont waste your time.:tut:

    btw, that quoted salary includes overtime....

    run ! stay clear of enterprise...
    lots of empty promises.
  4. Chris

    Chris Keepin' it old school

    Yikes. :eek:
  5. aedwards01

    aedwards01 Well-Known Member

    I have to say if you can find something else I would. wasnt an easy trip for my brother but hes been there a long time and still works 60 to 70 hours a week with no ot. not the job for me but if you are the corporate yes man type thats what theyre looking for.
  6. Cannoli's Wife

    Cannoli's Wife Cannoli smell my posts...

    Have you tried Cintas? They have a great Management Trainee program and you move up pretty quickly. Also great starting salary.
  7. FastrnU

    FastrnU Well-Known Member

    cintas..ill look into it. thanks anybody else got any ideas on jobs? what you would do if you could do it all over again??
  8. nebulate

    nebulate Well-Known Member

    Run from Enterprise.... Do something else with your time. Yes you can move up but the puckering to get there is rediculous. Their hiring managers get incentives for diversity hiring, to me that means we don't care how smart you are...
    I went to their interviews, after the second one I had found so many holes in the two stories I had been told, mainly with salary and expectation that I asked them not to call me back.

    On the other hand I have a friend that works for them and loves it. It isn't for me but it may be for you, but if you are graduating from the Citadel I doubt that it is.
  9. Hyperdyne

    Hyperdyne Indy United SBK

    I just posted field technician positions which are open now.

    Starting salary between 34-36K with bonus.
    99% travel throughout the United States which is all paid, as well as meals. Great chance to get out and see all of the United States from Maine to California.

    Go to monster and enter search Genscape. PM me for more details.
  10. bpeeples

    bpeeples Well-Known Member


    If I had it to do over again, I would go into the Army. You have already done the hard part. Earning the Ring gives you a serious headstart. There are 100 reasons to do so and only 1 not to. I did. It has paid dividends every day of my life.
    Good luck,


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