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Broken clavicle peeps get in here....please

Discussion in 'General' started by njracer, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. VFRacer-R

    VFRacer-R Don't you know who I am?

    I waited 10 weeks. My shoulder was a bit sore after riding for the day at a moderate pace at a track day, but nothing unbearable, took care of it with Advil.

    I missed the last 3/4 of this season though... after a couple of months, I got back on to my pace recently. I think some of what kept me off my pace was being spooked from the crash, but that seems to be gone now.

    Good luck!
  2. knedragon29

    knedragon29 Well-Known Member

    Just Re-broke my collarbone last Sunday.First broke it back in 99,everything healed pretty good the first time so I thought till it broke again in the same spot.Doc says its pretty ugly and may need surgery.Going to see one more Doc this week and see what he has to say.
  3. Gigantic

    Gigantic Maverick Moto Media

    get the surgery.
  4. Pilot1

    Pilot1 Well-Known Member

    With all these broken clavicles, has anyone come-up with a better way to protect their clavicle from breaking in the next fall?
  5. jlaw

    jlaw Well-Known Member

    i was back racing after 4 weeks with no plate and did a endurance race never had a problem
  6. VFRacer-R

    VFRacer-R Don't you know who I am?

    I bought one of those motocross neck rolls that look like the ones we used to use in football... the first time I used it a couple of months ago, I hated it and threw it off after the first lap.

    I'm going to try to use it again on Monday (trackday).
  7. VFRacer-R

    VFRacer-R Don't you know who I am?

    One of my team-mates did the same thing. 4 weeks and he was "good to go". He even went snow skiiing that same week.

    Mine was pretty jacked up, just on the border line for surgery or not, I elected to let it heal naturally, and now it looks like a "z", but at least I didn't have to get cut on. I know many others disagree with that, but hopefully, it will work out...
  8. liquid_iq

    liquid_iq Well-Known Member

    mine was broken in 3 places. got it plated and screwed, otherwise it would never have healed properly - the pieces were all spread out. did a track day after 4 weeks but went slow. had no strength or pain issues, and that track (jennings) has mostly left turns and it was my left clavicle.

    BUT i knew i couldn't fall without risk of re-injuring it. after $15k in surgery that would've sucked.
  9. jeffrop

    jeffrop Well-Known Member

    This is my xray done on 10/2/07. Broke it at Nashville on 9/16/07. Had it plated and about 10 screws done 10/8/07.

  10. ALephart

    ALephart Well-Known Member

    I agree, let it heal. I broke my clavicle and my platella (kneecap) at the same and am glad I waited for heavy activity until it healed. Minus those couple times the girlfriend was over. Thank god I was only old enough for heavy petty at the time. Could have been a rebreak in the making!

    All the best,
    Aaron Lephart
  11. njracer

    njracer Well-Known Member

    Well, I spent all day Sunday on the motard track at E-Town and probably did 60+ laps and the shoulder is feeling fine.

    However, after not really doing anything for the last 10+ weeks, I can't say that about the rest of my body. EVERYTHING is sore.:crackup:
  12. endlos

    endlos Banned

    i broke mine and never knew it, i dont understand why people make such a fuss about it, you can function fine with a busted one, tons of people do, itll heal when you stop stressing it
  13. Stefan

    Stefan Well-Known Member

    Some jobs aren't so conducive to allowing your clavical time to heal and natural healing at times causes issues!
  14. Rem6a

    Rem6a WCR Racer

    This all depends on severity of the break, age, ability to allow healing and pain tolerances.

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