Where is the cheapest place to get a Honda EU2000?

Discussion in 'General' started by grendels_arm, May 9, 2007.

  1. JeF4y

    JeF4y Sweet Tea & Grits!

    Hook us up! That'd be a great item at the RFF auction in July :D

    Last year I was trying to organize an annoying generator contest whereby it cost you $50 to enter, and each genny got 2 mins to display how loud it was, then people voted on the loudest ($1/ticket to vote or something like that). The winner would get a new QUIET genny (eu-2000 or whatever) and would have to blow up his/her loud genny... (drain the oil, bypass the sensor and let 'er rip!).
  2. Josh Whitehead

    Josh Whitehead Crash Test Dummy

    Save your money and get one from stickboy, not as quite as the honda but quite enough to not bother people sleeping at night. Plus its a 3rd of the price of the honda with 75% more power. If mine wasn't in the bed of my truck hooked to my trailer I couldn't tell it was running.
  3. racer212

    racer212 Well-Known Member

    Ebay is good for EU2000's
  4. Silo Pete

    Silo Pete We have ignition.

    You could go to Home Dept, order a Pramac generator for $675 (honda motor, 2000wtz, etc).
  5. Even Keel

    Even Keel Banned

    Okay, I just got out my receipt to be sure and I paid $869. I don't like lying about true stuff. Honest mistake.

    The rest of the post, decide for yourself.
  6. PistolPete

    PistolPete Fuck Cancer...

    www.wisesales.com I think. I bought a couple from them last year. About $675 +free delivery if I recall. :up:
  7. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Hey Darrin - how much for the 12v kit and the blue cover for an EU2k?
  8. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    Saw you old post of the specs. It says 76db for them. That's like 20db more than the EU2000.
    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  9. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    Umm not for the EU2000. I just checked today. Unless you got a special because you ordered 2.

    http://www.wisesales.com - $869.99 shipped
  10. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    I don't know about buying an item like this on eBay unless it's from a dealer. And if buying from a dealer it'll be cheaper to buy direct.
  11. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    Honda motors aren't what makes the EU stuff quiet.
  12. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    I almost did but what I do notice is his generator is dimension wise deeper by like 6 inches I believe. I mean I don't have a covered trailer so this means more room taken up in the SUV. So the EU2000 may be worthwhile here.
    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  13. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    Strange I called these 3 places today and got these prices. I'm in Virginia so not sure if they adjust prices according to where you are.

    http://www.alamia.com - $860 - shipped
    http://www.mayberrys.com - $879 shipped
    http://www.wisesales.com - $869.99 shipped
  14. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    OK I'm either going for the EU2000 or the LCT2600 maybe. Even though it's $100 shipped that $450. Half the price of an EU2000.

    Can Eu2000 owners tell me why they got that one over an LCT? THe main differences I see are the EU has a longer warranty, can be gotten at many place, may be a bit quieter, smaller and is a Honda. Reasons I hesitate on the LCT are not as widely known as a Honda EU2000. The shipping of $100 isn't a big deal as it's still alot less than the Honda. I guess what I'm trying to find out is if the Honda is worth the $800+ over the LCT. Maybe someone who has seen, heard and used both of them can give me their opinion.
  15. Shingle Monkey

    Shingle Monkey Schuck, Schuck

    My eu2k runs my trailer lights,stero,fan and charges my batteries for 8 hours on a gallon or gas.
  16. jigmoore

    jigmoore Banned

    nothing against the stickboy gens...but my honda is clearly quieter.
  17. grendels_arm

    grendels_arm Sam Green Eggs and Ham

    Thanks for the feedback. Am I correct the Honda is more compact? Any other input? Is the LCT noisy or pretty good but just the Honda is quieter?
  18. The H-man

    The H-man Go Navy!

    You got it right. The LCT 3000W is what I have (from Stick of course). It really is quiet enough to hold a normal conversation while standing near it.

    The Honda will have you wondering whether it's even on while you're standing next to it.
  19. Mongo

    Mongo Administrator

    The LCT's from Stick are by far the best combo of value and price.
  20. ekraft84

    ekraft84 Registered User

    That honestly is a legitimate issue. :D

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