Thanks STT....

Discussion in 'General' started by ducnut748, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. ducnut748

    ducnut748 King of Speed

    I would like to thank Sportbike Track time for taking my 15 year old son under there wing. I told my son Spencer that if his grades improved during the first semester that would take him to a track day as a reward...well I had to put my money where my mouth is. He decided that he wanted to make a motard out of his CR250 for the upcoming Kershaw track day. He worked his guts out researching an purchasing parts for the project. at the 11th hour one of the parts did not come in. The track day was already purchased everything was in place but no bike.....I thought long an hard about what I was about to do.......I let him ride one of my Duc 748's.
    The instructors at STT spent the entire day with my son giving him plenty of one on one instruction. They treated him like an adult and gave unbelievable instruction. I still cant believe what a deal we got. Many Many thanks to all the people at STT.

  2. SVandST

    SVandST Well-Known Member

    ONE of your Duc 748's???

    How many of them things you got?? :eek:

    That's kewl that STT took care of him. :beer:
  3. ducnut748

    ducnut748 King of Speed


    I was amazed at the instruction for the novice group. STT did a great job on the track and in the class room
    My kid scours the net for used an unwanted duc junk. so far we have put together 3 an we are working on a 4th one. gotta love it
  4. Ninja250Rider

    Ninja250Rider Dad's Little Hooligan

    Which day did you ride? I'm also 15, i was riding advanced sunday i was on the silver/red F4i i went down 2nd session after lunch on t-11. Earlier this year at barber i was in novice and STT does give some good class instruction. They might as well say its a free school. Hope he had a good time :beer:

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