Capit Tire warmers

Discussion in 'General' started by motorkas, Aug 15, 2020.

  1. Kurlon

    Kurlon Well-Known Member

    Shit, I didn't get the memo... how 'off' are Woodcrafts for Dunlops?
  2. Jackie123

    Jackie123 New Member

    @Trainwreck - Do you have a pic before the rips?
  3. Wingnut

    Wingnut Well-Known Member

    I just grabbed a set of the Capit vision maxima warmers from HMC to run on my 1290 super duke. So do these draw more from a generator? I have the little 1200 Honda gen right now, is that enough to run these warmers??
    Trainwreck likes this.
  4. Trainwreck

    Trainwreck I could give a heck

    I have a Honda 2200i that is ONLY used for the Capit's.. goes through about a tank and half a day on average. Generator is screaming the whole time in the colder months.
  5. Trainwreck

    Trainwreck I could give a heck

    No, that's how they looked when I came back to the pits.

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