Too old to race?

Discussion in 'WERA Vintage' started by dave3593, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. dave3593

    dave3593 What I know about opera I learned from Bugs Bunny

    I am not too old to race! As long as I am safe, I am going to keep racing damn it!

    When I was a kid, I was a fast motocrosser. Those days are over. I started racing WERA vintage six or seven years ago and have LOVED EVERY MINUTE! I'm 65 now but still feel good! Racing is a reason to stay healthy.

    Come on guys, loose a few pounds, do some stretching exercises and RACE! VMD is not that far off.

    Please forgive me for starting this thread but I have been drinking 8% beer.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
    flygirl, racer_11, ToofPic and 17 others like this.
  2. dave3593

    dave3593 What I know about opera I learned from Bugs Bunny

    You guys are great. That's the beer talking.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2023
    VFR#52 likes this.
  3. fzrkidd

    fzrkidd Well-Known Member

    At 45 I'm making an attempt to get back into racing this year. I some times wonder the same thing and get questioned from everyone I know if I "should be", "too old", "you have responsibilities", "blah blah blah". In all honesty I listen and I agree with them ... but I'll see ya at VMD!! :beer:
  4. thunderalley3

    thunderalley3 Well-Known Member

    I m right with you Dave, I am 65 also and this racing keeps me young. I will see you at VMD again.

    Now about this losing weight stuff, are you saying I am fat?

    mattys281-2 and dave3593 like this.
  5. Norton 357

    Norton 357 Well-Known Member

    Keep on truckin Dave!

    I'm 66 and getting ready to race again this year with 2 different bikes.

    Charlie Young and I have been talking about going to VMD so we might see you there
    flygirl, mattys281-2 and dave3593 like this.
  6. CharlieY

    CharlieY Well-Known Member

    Keep on rollin' Dave!......until you cant.....I believe the individual will know when, there will be indicators. When there are big indicators, you will get help from "others".

    I'll be 62 in a couple weeks.

    I also believe there are stages to this.....I find myself just not "allowing" the "red mist" to come into play like it used to. That's a double sided coin....the RM used to help me, but now it doesnt kick in like it used to, and that has an affect. One effect is im alittle slower (wiser), another effect is I believe Im alittle safer (wiser).

    I'm still doing ok. I find myself mid-pack most of the time. I wind up in what I call "no mans land".....the front guy (or 2, or 3), check out on me, but I find myself somewhat checking out (several seconds) on everyone behind me, racing by myself sometimes. BUT I still have the "need" to try and get better, catch that guy, but it seems I pull the plug sooner......funny part is, im ok with that!

    VMD is on my list.

    James (Norton357), and guys like him inspire me.

    I can distinctly remember being near Fzrkidd's age, and getting beat by a 72 or 73 year old Royce Eaton.....that showed me something. Its showing me something different (additional) now.

    anyhow, just my opinion.
  7. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    I returned to racing at about your age. I got the same commentary that you are receiving. My dad, in particular, just couldn't understand. He went to his grave having never taken a chance in his life. That makes me sad, but people are who they are.
    flygirl, ToofPic and fzrkidd like this.
  8. dave3593

    dave3593 What I know about opera I learned from Bugs Bunny

    I very much hope this thread pulls somebody back into racing!
    ToofPic likes this.
  9. thunderalley3

    thunderalley3 Well-Known Member

    I just ride bikes that are older than me, if they can still do it so can I !!!

    I have a couple of friends, both in their last couple of years of the 70's who still ride tank shifters, one of them schooled me last year at a race and makes me try harder.
    racer_11 and dave3593 like this.
  10. Robin172

    Robin172 Well-Known Member

    Charlie, you're a mere lad. What you wrote is pretty true though.
  11. SundaySocial

    SundaySocial Blue & Gold

    Hoping to meet/race/have fun with “other” (ahem) mature racers at VMD.
    dave3593 likes this.
  12. RRP

    RRP Kinda Superbikey

    Suddenly 53 doesn’t seem so old…:D

    SVs are at the tuners now, about 30 or so pounds down, leathers going to Bill soon for cleaning etc.

    I’m trying dammit. ;)
    beac83, Jon Wilkens, ToofPic and 4 others like this.
  13. SundaySocial

    SundaySocial Blue & Gold

    Celebrate that Medicare card !
    Robin172 likes this.
  14. rd400racer

    rd400racer Well-Known Member

    63 here, my son and I are loving every minute! Hey Dave, what's up Mark...we'll see you guys in a couple months! And Charlie, I even resurrected the RD last year for Mid O. Yeah, it only made one practice lap before the piston holed, but dammit it made a lap!:D
    Buell1965, CharlieY and dave3593 like this.
  15. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    On a related note, I'm currently enjoying building my vintage racer. When I get through, where am I going to learn to ride the damn thing? I can't imagine doing a track day on my 60 year old bike and sharing the straights with a CBR10000RRRR. If any of you see me wobbling around little Tally, give me some elbow room. I'll remember what I'm doing in a few laps.
  16. dave3593

    dave3593 What I know about opera I learned from Bugs Bunny

    Dang, what are you racing?
  17. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    Ducati 250
    pro69ss, geoduch and CharlieY like this.
  18. SuddenBraking

    SuddenBraking The Iron Price

    You missed about seven "R's" :D
  19. dave3593

    dave3593 What I know about opera I learned from Bugs Bunny

    I have a complete narrow case 250 engine with frame and some other stuff. I'll sell if interested.
  20. nigel smith

    nigel smith Well-Known Member

    I'm quite interested. You are aware that you are enabling my addiction?

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